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Heavenly ABODE

The White Peaks in Gagar, Uttarakhan­d, is where you can slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.


HUGGED BY glistening silver oak groves from three sides and overlookin­g a breathtaki­ng vista on the fourth, Gagar near Ramgarh in Uttarakhan­d is a little-known Himalayan hamlet where life is slow and the air crisp. If you walk up the winding road that takes you to the top of this little village, you find yourself at The White Peaks—a boutique homestay that will instantly charm you.

Perched atop a lush foothill, the cottage boasts unobstruct­ed panoramic views of the snowcapped peaks of Panchachul­i and opens its door to a mystical oak and rhododendr­on forest. Sitting at an altitude of 7,500 feet above sea level, the cottage is nothing short of a dream for those who love being away from the clamour of crowds, while staying in the comfort of a cosy cottage.

Clockwise from left: Nippy winter evenings are best spent by the fireplace in the living room; built in 1990, The White Peaks was later turned into a homestay; browse through the interestin­g collection of books at the cottage.

Built in the early 1990s, this old home was discovered by the host couple, Abhijit and Aparupa Ganguly, who turned it into a fairy-tale homestay. The two rooms in the cottage let you enjoy a relaxed vacation amidst oak trees that fringe the grounds. Sit by the fireplace to enjoy intimate conversati­ons, master some yoga poses in your private balcony, or simply lounge in the sun-dappled courtyard gazing at nature’s beauty. There’s also a wide collection of interestin­g books stacked here to aid those lazy evenings spent over comforting cups of tea or hot chocolate. From delicious finger-snacks to hearty homecooked meals and everything in between—every dish here is made of organic, locally-sourced ingredient­s.

The soul of the cottage is Kaali—the owners’ furry friend who is always up for snuggles from the guests. Enjoy some playtime or take a guided forest walk with her. In fact, the property is pet-friendly, so make some memories with your furry babies. While you are bound to be smitten by Gagar’s beauty that is a constant in all seasons, winter here is exceptiona­lly magical. The sleepy village takes cover under a thick blanket of white that turns the entire place into a winter wonderland.

The magic extends to the thick oak forests that call for long, idle strolls. Take up a walking trail in the lush forestland­s or trek to the ancient Jhandhidar Devi Mandir. Laze around in this abode, gaze at the blue skies and the endless lush expanse, and disconnect from the rest of the world. thewhitepe­

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 ??  ?? Clockwise: The White Peaks offers panoramic views of the Panchachul­i peaks; catch a beautiful sunset during your stay; the cottage lets you bring your furry friends along; pair your meals with breathtaki­ng views from the private balcony; the rooms at The White Peaks are cosy and homely.
Clockwise: The White Peaks offers panoramic views of the Panchachul­i peaks; catch a beautiful sunset during your stay; the cottage lets you bring your furry friends along; pair your meals with breathtaki­ng views from the private balcony; the rooms at The White Peaks are cosy and homely.
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