Down to Earth

Masterchef in trouble



he UK edition of the popular foodshow MasterChef has landed itself in trouble by giving Scottish fisherfolk the wrong advice about eating cod. Fishing crews are furious with the BBC show for it gave links to the Marine Conservati­on Society ( MCS) website for advice on sustainabl­e fish in the end titles. MCS lists cod as a “fish to avoid”, claiming that stocks in the North Sea, Irish Sea and west of Scotland are among the “most depleted”. But the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation says the advice is “a kick in the teeth” for fishing crews. The federation's chief executive, Bertie Armstrong, said, “Scottish fishing has tried extremely hard to be sustainabl­e...If anybody buys fish in the UK it has been fished within a quota and is sustainabl­e.” A spokespers­on for MasterChef said, “We are keen to give out the right advice with regards to sustainabl­e fish. We refer to MCS’ guidelines but we appreciate this is an ever-changing situation and welcome any updated informatio­n.” buyers. Wildlife officer Peter Carstairs said the man was likely to face hefty penalties. Carstairs said local residents concerned about the man’s actions had made complaints to the department, which led to the wallaby's seizure. “It is illegal to sell or possess any part of a native animal in Western Australia unless you have a wildlife licence. There is a black market trade in wildlife and it is a practice that must be stopped,” he added.

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