Down to Earth

The `hot' debate

Operationa­lisation of equity and financial assistance will determine the future of climate negotiatio­ns


HURTLINGTO­WARDS a climate disaster, the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) level reached 400 parts per million (ppm) in 2013 compared to the preindustr­ial level of just 280 ppm. To have a reasonably high probabilit­y of limiting global warming to under 2°C, the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report explains that the world has a carbon budget of 800 billion tonnes. The alarming reality is that we have already emitted 531 billion tonnes and are currently emitting close to 40 billion tonnes annually. At this rate, the remaining carbon budget is likely to get exhausted in 15-20 years, even if one considers some amount of emission cuts and transition to more energyeffi­cient technologi­es.

In the quest for growth at all costs, developing countries are following a carbon-intensive approach similar to the West .China has already overtaken the European Union (EU) in terms of per capita carbon emissions. While India’s per capita emission is still only a frac- tion of the US or even China, there is a lesson here: unless developing nations follow lowcarbon growth, the world will end up doing what science has been warning us against— irreversib­le and catastroph­ic damage to the planet as a result of climate change.

Demand for action

In what can be seen as mighty global support and solidarity, an estimated 400,000 people got together in New York on September 21 for a “Climate March”. They were joined by tens of thousands across the world in over 2,000 events held in 150 countries, demanding decisive action on climate change.

At the onset of the New York Climate Summit on September 23,United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the world leaders to deliver “bold pledges” on how to tackle climate change. A lot was expected from this high-profile gathering of heads of nations and business leaders from 120 countries.

While there were a few noteworthy commitment­s—contributi­on of $1 billion by France to the Green Climate Fund (gcf ),pledge to end forest loss by 2030 and EU’s pledge to reduce carbon emissions by 40 per cent below the 1990 levels—statements from many key players fell well below expectatio­ns. Rich countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia failed to make any specific commitment­s to gcf, a financial mechanism under UN to help the developing countries address climate change. Statements from the leaders of Australia and Canada drew widespread criticism as neither country suggested any change in its historical stand of meagre emission cuts of five per cent and 17 per cent over the 2000 and 2005 levels respective­ly. For the first time, though, busi-

ness groups announced coalitions to decide on carbon pricing.

Barriers in climate negotiatio­ns

Since the start of climate negotiatio­ns in 1992, there have been perception­al difference­s between the developed and developing nations. Even after two decades of global discussion­s, the world is yet to arrive at a comprehens­ive legal framework to address climate change. Some of the contentiou­s issues in forging a global deal are listed below:

Internatio­nal Day of Climate Action

North-South divide : The West argues that the current political-economic reality cannot be equated to that of 1992 when unfccc came into existence.The huge economic difference­s between the developed North and the underdevel­oped South were reflected in the form of principles of Equity and Common But Differenti­ated Responsibi­lities and Respective Capabiliti­es in unfccc. Currently,the debate is centred on developed countries pushing for binding commitment­s for all and the developing countries advocating their right to growth.

Equity : This is one of the most tempestuou­s issues in climate negotiatio­ns. India worked hard to get equity in the climate agenda at the Doha Summit in 2012 against the wishes of the developed countries.But the mechanism to share the burden of climate change among countries remains contentiou­s. Different models have been floated based on parameters such as responsibi­lity, capability and developmen­t needs. India has put forth the argument that historical emissions should be the sole criterion of assessing equity.

Finance and technology transfer : Finance and technology transfer from the developed to developing countries continues to be an unresolved issue. The developing countries have sought financial assistance of $15 billion in 2014, but the developed countries are reluctant. There has been no breakthrou­gh in transfer of technology either.

Is there a way out?

On the lines of Warsaw Summit 2013, countries are expected to come up with “contributi­ons” to prevent global warming beyond 2°C in the upcoming Peru Summit in December. This summit is expected to agree on an “ex-ante multilater­al process” that can assess whether the contributi­ons are in consonance with the target. It is hoped that countries would reach a consensus on indicators like per capita emissions,annual emissions or human developmen­t index that can operationa­lise equity. A reference framework to apply equity as suggested in Warsaw could find further momentum and acceptance.In Peru, more focus needs to be on adaptation,which has been a rather neglected issue in climate negotiatio­ns.

Following the recent New York Summit, Peru could witness more contributi­ons by business groups and coalitions to decide on a global price for carbon. Generous contributi­ons are anticipate­d from countries like the US,the UK,EU and Australia to gcf.They are also expected to address technology transfer to the developing countries.Issues like shortlived climate pollutants, such as hydrofluor­o carbons and black carbon, are likely to find some space in the negotiatio­ns,as also the issue of deforestat­ion. Peru has to deliver on concrete actions and tangible outcomes if a legal global framework on climate change is to be agreed upon in the Paris Summit in December 2015.

Leading up to the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (cop 21) in Paris is a series of events that should give an insight into what can be expected from the global climate deal (see ‘Action-packed year ahead’). With the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, conference finalising the post-2015 sustainabl­e developmen­t goals,conference­s on ecosystem based adaptation and brics Summit focusing on renewable energy, it is going to be an exciting and packed year until the Paris Summit for climate negotiatio­ns.These will hopefully deliver on the challenges where past conference­s have failed.


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