Down to Earth

Air pollution killed 80,665 in Delhi, Mumbai in 30 years


has contribute­d to 80,665 premature deaths in Delhi and Mumbai between 1985 and 2015. Delhi, which has a higher pollution level, recorded more casualties than Mumbai, shows a study by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. The study links the higher number of casualties in Delhi to high PM10 (particulat­e matters with a diametre of 10 microns) emissions from vehicle exhaust, constructi­on dust and industries. The situation has worsened in the past 20 years during which pollution-related deaths have increased twofold. While the number of casualties in Delhi increased from 19,716 in 1995 to 48,651 in 2005, the figures for Mumbai rose from 19,291 to 32,014, notes the study published in Environmen­tal Science and Pollution Research.

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