Down to Earth

Tiller troubles


This is regarding the cover VWRU\ k:K\ IDUPHUV GUHDG D QRUPDO PRQVRRQy -XO\ :KLOH WKH 0RGL government is busy on so many fronts, the farm sector is being neglected, with some doles being dished out now and then. The crisis is too deep-rooted to be solved by band-aid solutions like farm loan waivers. Remunerati­ve prices are what the farmers are demanding, not subsidies. Cheap loans should be disbursed from government­controlled and cooperativ­e banks to make it easy for farmers to access loans, rather than going to local lenders.

Another problem is the big difference between large, small and,marginal land holdings for cultivatio­n. Often, it is uneconomic­al to cultivate in small farms as the yield is just enough for the family.

The price of farm produce is another burning issue. :KHQHYHU WKHUH LV D JOXW LQ the market due to falling prices, it makes it difficult for farmers to get returns on what they have invested, leading them into a debt trap. Farmers should get back their sale proceeds on delivery, rather than wait for a long WLPH :KHQ WKHUH LV VXUSOXV production, the government must buy the goods and store it, or send it to wherever it is needed, even for export. Cold storage and proper storage of farm produce are essential to prevent wastage.

Productivi­ty is another

problem faced by Indian farmers. In developed countries, where technology and mechanisat­ion are used widely, only a small percentage of the population is engaged in the agricultur­al sector. But in India, a large section of the population is still involved in agricultur­al and related activities. The food processing industry at the local level can generate more employment. We also need to prepare for flood and drought conditions better and minimise their ill-effects on farmers. DBN MURTHY BENGALURU

Apart from getting low returns on their produce, which the article explains beautifull­y, farmers also face a shortage of proper storage and transporta­tion facilities. Much of the agricultur­al produce is wasted every year in India. There is a need for concentrat­ed efforts to build cold storages across the country and focus on the supply chain management. The proposal in Budget 2017-18 to expand the coverage of the electronic National Agricultur­al Market from 250 markets to 585 is a good initiative in this direction. UDAYAN SINGH DELHI

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