Down to Earth

Resurrect Ganga


This is regarding the review of Victor Mallet's book River of Life, River of Death: The Ganges and India's Future (16-30 June, 2018). The self-cleansing property of the Ganga has been known not just to Indians, but also to foreign scientists in the distant past. British physician Hanbury Hankin (1865-1939) was the first person to observe that viruses in the Ganga ate pathogenic bacteria and kept the river clean. British physician C E Nelson found that water taken from Hooghly, one of the river's dirtiest mouths, by ships returning to England remained fresh throughout the voyage. So did renowned French microbiolo­gist Felix d'Herelle, who coined the term "bacterioph­age" to refer to bacteria-eating virus. To his great amazement, he found

that the water from the river destroyed the bacteria he raised in a culture of cholera and dysentery microbes.

In an empirical study conducted between 1982 and 1984, D S Bhargava, former environmen­tal engineer at the IIT Roorkee, found that the Ganga reduces biochemica­l oxygen demand levels and cleans suspended wastes faster than other rivers. Today. river's "magical" powers are gone due to our modern civilisati­on which thrives on the failed and hedonistic Western theories like Environmen­tal Kuznets Curve (economic growth first, environmen­tal protection later). The holy river is now gasping for breath from multiple sources of pollution. It is time we collective­ly endeavour to resurrect the divine aquatic gift, otherwise there will be no Ganga left for us in the future. C V KRISHNA MANOJ HYDERABAD, TELANGANA

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