Down to Earth

Business comes first

In the garb of streamlini­ng green clearances, the Union government has sidelined communitie­s and diluted environmen­tal regulation­s over the past four years |


The Centre has passed green clearances often at the cost of communitie­s and the environmen­t

WHEN THE National Democratic Alliance (nda) came to power in May 2014, riding on a public sentiment for change, we, as researcher­s on environmen­tal governance, nurtured a fear: the overtly businessfr­iendly government would dilute environmen­tal norms. The previous government, the United Progressiv­e Alliance

(upa) in its first term, had brought in legislatio­ns, such as the Environmen­tal Impact Assessment Notificati­on (2006), to tighten environmen­tal impact assessment process, and introduced rights-based legislatio­ns, such as the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditiona­l Forest Dwellers (Recognitio­n of Forest Rights) Act (fra), 2006, and the Right to Fair Compensati­on and Transparen­cy in Land Acquisitio­n, Rehabilita­tion and Resettleme­nt

Act, 2013, empowering gram sabhas (village councils) to give consent for developmen­t projects that involved forest diversion and land acquisitio­ns. But in its second term (2009-14), upa started diluting these legislatio­ns. The fear was that nda would continue with the same approach. It has come true.

Just four months after it came to power, nda set up a High Level Committee on Forest and Environmen­t Related Laws, headed by former cabinet secretary TSR Subramania­n, to propose reforms to India’s complex and much-maligned environmen­tal clearance (ec) and forest diversion processes, and other environmen­tal laws. However, no such overhaul happened. The Parliament­ary Standing Committee on Science and Technology rejected the Subramania­n committee’s patchy recommenda­tions in July 2015.

In the past four years the Union government has given EC to 1,098 projects in the major developmen­t sectors and about 124,788 hectares (ha) of forestland diversion has been agreed upon to give way to 6,060 projects in various developmen­t sectors. The forestland diverted is over 80 per cent of the area of Delhi.

Moreover, in the past four years, the Union Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change (moef&cc) has deluged us with amendments and guidelines in two key laws related to EC and forest diversion—the Environmen­tal Impact Assessment (eia) Notificati­on (2006), as developed under the parent Environmen­t (Protection) Act (1986), and the Forest Conservati­on Act (1980). Green clearances are being increasing­ly treated as a mere formality.

Rights diluted

The first change came the week the nda government took office. On May 30, 2014, moef&cc did away with EC public hearing requiremen­t for coal mining projects with specific capacity expansion. Two more notificati­ons to provide relaxation­s to developers followed in the next four months. In July 2017, the Expert Appraisal Committee (eac) of moef-&cc exempted companies from undertakin­g public hearings for up to 40 per cent capacity expansion for coal mining projects (see

nda v upa on p24). So while the scope of people to voice concerns has been restricted, the government has remained sensitive to the need of the developers. For instance, in October 2014, moef&cc issued guidelines to give developers an “opportunit­y” to present their case while proposals for forest clearance (FC) were being reviewed by the Forest Advisory Committee (fac) at the Centre or the Regional Empowered Committees (recs) at moef&cc’s 10 regional offices. The government, however, has not shown similar enthusiasm for another important aspect of the FC process—the settlement of forest rights under fra. While such rights must be settled before a Stage 1 FC is given, this is not being done.FC is a two-stage process: in Stage I certain conditions are stipulated, such as compensato­ry afforestat­ion, and upon compliance of those conditions, the Stage 2 clearance is given. Even in January 2018, the Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs asked the moef&cc to ensure this, without any success.

Decentrali­sation sans capacity

The government has used decentrali­sation as a key policy move to expedite ECs and FCs. For ECs, developmen­t projects have been increasing­ly placed under the ambit of state-level authoritie­s, such as state expert appraisal committees (seacs) and state environmen­tal impact assessment authoritie­s

(seiaas). These include projects in sectors such as thermal power, irrigation/ river valley and constructi­on. Simultaneo­usly, district-level authoritie­s, such as District Environmen­t Impact Assessment Authority (deiaa) and

Since 2014, the government has agreed to divert 124,788 ha of forestland to give way to 6,060 projects in various developmen­t sectors

District Expert Appraisal Committee

(deac), have been created to deal with ECs pertaining to small-scale mine leases. Amendment to the eia Notificati­on in January 2016 made EC compulsory for mining of minor minerals in areas less than or equal to 5 ha, which these authoritie­s will clear. They have also been charged with ECs for clusters of small leases, where the cluster size is over 5 ha but less than 25 ha, with no individual lease being over 5 ha.

In case of FCs, the focus of decentrali­sation has been on linear projects, such as roads, transmissi­on lines, canals, pipelines and railways. In October 2014, the Forest (Conservati­on) Rules (2003) were amended to give recs the power to grant FCs to all linear projects.

While the idea of devolving power is not problemati­c per se, it should only be done after adequately enhancing the capacity of the respective authoritie­s. But this has not happened and the assessment process has remained weak. For example, a statewise review of the meeting minutes of

seacs and seiaas in key industrial states, such as Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, shows that these authoritie­s sometimes review over 50 project proposals in a day. The rejection rate at the state level has been a mere 1 per cent in the past four years.

Assessment concerns

The question about quality of project assessment before it is cleared is a concern at all the levels and for all types of clearances. The slew of notificati­ons issued by the government does not reflect any intention to insist on “comprehens­ive assessment” before projects are cleared, or to ensure compliance and monitoring once they are in place. In fact, the changes that have been done are primarily for the convenienc­e of the developers and to reduce clearance time. A prime example of this is the de-linking of FC and wildlife clearance for projects within ecosensiti­ve zones. Earlier, FC was contingent upon the developer obtaining a wildlife clearance from the National Board for Wildlife. But this was done away with in August 2014.

Alongside diluting assessment, permission to start work with partial clearance has also been given. This has particular­ly happened for the mining sector. On November 10, 2015, the government issued a guideline saying that if a mining lease involves forest and non-forest land, work can start on the non-forestland once Stage 1 approval has been obtained. This was particular­ly targeted towards coal blocks having both forest and nonforestl­and. Earlier for projects involving both forest and non-forestland, no work was allowed to start even on non-forestland until all clearances were obtained.

The drive to make way for developmen­tal projects is also weighing on most sensitive wildlife habitats, such as Protected Areas (PAs). In April 2015, the government introduced a provision of “most exceptiona­l circumstan­ces” to allow use/diversion of forests within PAs. But there is no clarity on what constitute­s such cases.

Equally poor is the government’s compliance and monitoring mechanism. A review of monitoring reports made available by the 10 regional offices, shows that for projects granted EC since 2014 in major developmen­t sectors, there are barely any reports available. Compliance is completely dependent on submission of periodic compliance reports by developers, the availabili­ty of which are equally poor, and those submitted often go unve-rified. For FC, there is no monitoring report available in the public domain.

Accommodat­ing violators

The government also seems to be adopting a reconcilia­tory approach towards the violators. In March 2017,

moef&cc issued a notificati­on giving a six-month window to project proponents who have been operating without obtaining an EC to apply for the same.

The pretext under which this was allowed was to improve “compliance”. While at that time it was said that all such violations, irrespecti­ve of size and capacity, will only be reassessed and cleared at the Centre, due to the extremely large number of such cases coming up, the government decided in March 2018 to allow seac/seiaa to decide on them, depending on their size and capacity. This is at a time when the capacity of these authoritie­s even to clear regular projects is questionab­le. Projects in violation of coastal regulation zone clearances have also been given a second chance. In March 2018, moef&cc issued a notificati­on in this regard.

The situation is clearly dire. The four years indicate that not much thought has gone into improving the green clearance mechanism. The government still has nine months to revisit its promises.

State environmen­t impact assessment authoritie­s sometimes review over 50 project proposals in a day. Rejection rate at the state level has been just 1 per cent in the past four years

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