Down to Earth

Forests being encroached upon so gradually,it’s unnoticeab­le


This refers to “Forest panel bats for pvt plantation­s as compensati­on” published online on January 9, 2020. In most of the Himalayas, including the Shivalik Range, a lot of the so-called agricultur­al land would be better off under trees. In fact, most of this agricultur­al land was anyway earlier forestland but gradually became agricultur­al due to the insidious and relentless encroachme­nts—something no politician or political party is willing to tackle.This illegal ”transfer” of forestland continues unabated. It is very difficult to grasp this encroachme­nt because it is extremely gradual and incrementa­l, and is done on a very widespread scale in forests that have no boundaries and whose areas were measured a 100 years ago with primitive instrument­s. Government­s are not even willing to demarcate forest boundaries using Global Positionin­g System and making proper, verifiable Geographic Informatio­n System (GIS) maps. Compulsory afforestat­ion done even on twice the area diverted in degraded forests is generally untraceabl­e after five to six years because there is neither any GIS map nor record of survival with the forest department­s. After a decade or so, compulsory afforestat­ion can be done again on the same patch, like it happens in most forest department afforestat­ion schemes. In this way we can keep going around in circles and patting ourselves on the back with the unverifiab­le “State of Forest” reports, even as our forests continue to thin out and disappear.



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