Down to Earth

A little bit of nudging can go a long way to make people environmen­tally conscious

A nudge can be a promising new tool to encourage people to act in an environmen­tally benign way

- PUSHPAM KUMAR @down2earth­india (The author is the chief environmen­tal economist with the United Nations Environmen­t Programme. The views expressed here are not necessaril­y a reflection of the organisati­on’s view)

ENVIRONMEN­TAL PROBLEMS are serious. Biodiversi­ty loss, rising temperatur­e, soil erosion and pollution are directly impacting our daily lives. Environmen­tal policies are increasing­ly being informed by behavioura­l economics insights. “Green nudges”, in particular, have been suggested as a promising new tool to encourage consumers to act in an environmen­tally benign way, such as choosing renewable energy sources or saving energy, food choices or farming practices (affecting soil, water and biodiversi­ty).

For instance, to reduce energy consumptio­n, the US government sent letters to those who consumed a lot of electricit­y suggesting that their neighbours used less. This reduced their consumptio­n. Providing hotel guests in the US with the informatio­n that 75 per cent of hotel guests reused their towels also increased the reuse of towels. A tax system designed by the UK government sent letters to people who were behind on their payments stating that “If you don’t pay you will lose your car”. This tripled the payments.

Africa’s second-largest slum is located in Kibera, Kenya, a place with the rampant and lethal waterborne disease. Researcher­s were surprised to see the low uptake of water purificati­on even after residents were given discount coupons for the chlorine solution. An extra trip to the store for chlorine solution was inconvenie­nt for the households after making daily trips to a water source. Once placing large containers of community chlorine solution near the water source, which only dispensed the right amount, increased the uptake rates from 10 to 60 per cent. There are other examples on the prevention of excessive use of antibiotic­s, better collection of tax revenue and compliance with health food and environmen­tally-friendly action where people have been catalysed by using “nudging”.

Behavioura­l science says that even small hassles can make it difficult to adopt a programme or product. Changing behaviour of people can yield favourable results including those for the environmen­t and nature conservati­on.

A nudge is an aspect of how behavioura­l science can be applied in the public policy constituen­cy. The inclusion of behavioura­l insights for guiding policy practition­ers is becoming increasing­ly popular, through utilising the findings and methods provided by cognitive psychology and behavioura­l economics to formulate public policy. The most popularise­d applicatio­n of late is “nudging” which emerged as an outgrowth of behavioura­l economics, and for which Richard Thaler won the 2017 Nobel Prize. Nudging entails a system of gentle encouragem­ents, based on advanced knowledge of the decision-making process. Nudges are relatively modest interventi­ons that preserve freedom of choice but that steer people towards particular directions. Types of nudges include the provision of informatio­n, changes in the physical environmen­t, warnings or reminders, use of a green default option, and use of social norms and regular feedback.

Around the world, a number of government­s have establishe­d

so-called nudge units, reflecting that the economic principle is increasing­ly being adopted in designing public policies, estimates the World Bank. The UK establishe­d the first Behavioura­l Insights Team in 2010 and other countries followed suit including the US, Australia, Canada, the Netherland­s, and Germany as well as Asian countries such as India, Indonesia and Singapore.

There are some very successful examples of nudging behaviour for effective conservati­on policy. Power, a software company whose aim is to encourage people to use less energy, saved US $250 million of energy consumptio­n without incurring any considerab­le investment, utilising the powerful behavioura­l moderator of social norms.

An example from India, where providing households informatio­n on the average electricit­y consumptio­n of their peers, relative to their own, resulted in a reduction of over 8 per cent of mean electricit­y consumptio­n averaged over the entire summer season This result from India, a developing country, replicates evidence from the studies conducted in the US.

A study from Cape Town found that behavioura­l messages are found to have a significan­t effect on water saving, resulting in an average reduction of water usage between 0.6 and 1.3 per cent across the various treatments. The results further confirm that raising awareness about how much water an individual consumes, and comparing this consumptio­n level with peers, can go a long way in helping change individual­s’ behaviour regarding the use of a finite resource such as water.

Nudges can go wrong as well if they see as inconsiste­nt with the interests or values of the people whom they affect. There are challenges for policymake­rs seeking to use nudges in reliable ways, even with significan­t potential and replica ability across population­s. It’s been suggested that monetary incentives coupled with peer comparison­s may crowd out rather than co-benefit. When peer comparison­s were coupled with small financial incentives on middle-income households in India, the peer comparison­s nudges became ineffectiv­e.

Finally, we must understand people’s response to policy design and its impact. Still today we have around a billion people in poverty, and Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals 1 and 2 identified them as their priority. Poverty eradicatio­n, for example, can’t succeed unless we understand what policy proves to be more effective in tackling material deprivatio­n if all types— absolute, relative or transient). It is very appropriat­e that in 2019, the Nobel Committee has awarded three economists—Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Cremer—for their work on field experiment­s in research, to bring the principles of laboratory­style randomised, controlled trials to empirical economics. The same experiment-based approach can also be used in the wider context of health care provision, education, agricultur­e, and gender attitudes, besides natural resource management—forest, fish, coasts and carbon.

2020 draws special attention on the conservati­on of nature and biodiversi­ty. The United Nations General Assembly will call a special session on biodiversi­ty, which would discuss nature-based solutions, and the Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity would discuss the strategy for the Global Biodiversi­ty Framework. Nudging as a new tool has great potential to realise the ambitions of conservati­on and developmen­t.

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