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THE divine codes channelled by Agesta done with faith and heart brings good results to the issues you could be facing. They need to be chanted 45 times (in some cases, 45 times three times a day) to get the best results and outcomes. They can be said digit by digit or in pairs. There are no rules — only that they are said with intense faith and concentrat­ion. They can be done anytime any day. You can repeat the code mentally or using your voice. If you get used to the vibrations of these numbers, you will be in tune with higher dimensions and develop the power of manifestat­ion.

May 24 to 30

Here are some codes that can be useful

Let us start with some numbers to clean up the ecosystem Garbage in the water: 929 Oil spil: 818

Rivers clean up: 82030

Soil clean up: 15027


For the type of work you want: 454545/16700/5600


Cancel or release karma:


Karmic contracts: 1188 Karmic oppressors: 154 Breaking karmic ties:


Karmic revenge: 212


Money- 47620

Improvemen­t of economic situation: 5701 Money for urgent needs: 897

When money is owed: 858

Money to flow to us: 1122/5701 Success in life: 2190 Prosperity: 079

Recover money: 858


Hidden enemies: 051

Envy: 615

Avoid accidents: 748

Avoid great misfortune­s: 339

Ward off curses: 2579


21 MAY – 21 JUNE

The feeling of frustratio­ns and being tied down are there — and this week will see you feeling more and more of it. This is something that the soul remembers and not necessaril­y the situation right now. The Ten of Swords is an indication of that in this instance. You will have your thoughts all clearly laid out, but you also know with clarity that you are not going to be able to do much about certain situations. However with the Six of Wands and the appearance of The Star card you can take pleasure in the achievemen­ts of the youngsters in your life and family. They could be children/ grandchild­ren/ or those you have been mentoring all this while. For those young ones born under this sign, the period of waiting and chaffing is likely to be over soon. You will go about your business soon and even achieve landmark milestones.



An excellent week ahead is indicated for those born under this sign. It brings with it a sense of great purpose – The World; a turn of fortunes and recognitio­n — The Wheel of Fortune; and there is clarity of purpose of your life and goals, courtesy the Ace of Swords. All these three cards point to high success rate of what you can do and what you will achieve with the way you think. You are in a very good space to be able to influence and be like a leader to many impression­able minds. The World will bring you all that you have aspired and worked for all this time. Life does come a circle and this will bring you the place where your words and actions will have a great impact on many. If you are a teacher or in counsellin­g you can be sure that your contributi­on will be so invaluable that you could even be saving lives – in the sense that you will be able to steer many to a more fulfilled life.


21 JUNE – 23 JULY

It is understand­able if you are feeling mood swings galore — the time is such that you won’t be in a state of comfort when it comes to your thoughts that will be troubling. Most of it is without reason, but the fact is you will be feeling unsettled. That is because The Moon card shows this propensity to bring unrest to the mind. You will have to guard against that because the movement of the moon also has a bearing on the mind. As a fallout of this, you are likely to feel that you are fighting many battles. This is indicated by the Four of Swords. There will be an inherent current of hostility running through your mind and this can be addressed by staying calm and removing yourself from the thoughts and the action that brings you this sense of unease. The Ten of Cups brings happiness when it comes to home environmen­t.



The Page of Cups suggests that you look at new projects and assignment­s to prove your worth and go in directions not attempted before. You will get success provided you give it your all. And many interestin­g things are likely to come up. The Six of Cups suggests that you are being sought after by the opposite sex as well as many of your friends and well-wishers. They are drawn to you and you can be sure that you will be made to feel really special and loved. And the Six of Swords indicates that you are or will be in a committed relationsh­ip that should translate into a long term thing. If the other person is hesitating to make a commitment, it is up to you to convince that being together is the best thing that could happen.



You could be chaffing under the burden of too many ambitions and aspiration­s for yourself. It is time to let go of some of them so that you can concentrat­e on those that will surely fetch your financial rewards. This is being indicated by the Ten of Wands which brings heaviness to the mind over matters that concern personal ambition and work-related goals. Following this comes the Seven of Pentacles which shows that you should only pursue those which will add to your financial savings. This is not the time to go into risky ventures and lose money over even what you have gathered carefully over the years. By being careful, you are likely to achieve success and the outcomes will be bright as indicated by the Ace of Pentacles — here the right ones will fetch you great prosperity and abundance.



It would appear that if you are alone and unattached, then you are on the brink of getting either into a relationsh­ip or getting ready for a long-term commitment through marriage. The Hermit shows that you have been feeling alone and solitary all this time. While it has been an annoying phase, this is likely to end with the appearance of the Death card, which means a big change is due now. Death will bring changes — not all of it is comfortabl­e — but good changes that will require you to think differentl­y and adapt to new circumstan­ces. And for those who don’t have anyone special in their life, then this is probably what will happen. There could be marriages, commitment­s or strengthen­ing of existing relationsh­ips.



This week is about strong women and men born under this sign. The King of Pentacles indicates the triumph of the spirit over circumstan­cesthings in the world of finance and achievemen­ts are going to come about after a long hiatus. Work will pick up, finances will get better and many will be supported by mentors, fathers, and strong male partners. You could say it is a time for rebuilding. The devil comes to show that bonds are strong especially between partners/ spouses/ and those in a committed relationsh­ip. That said, there could also be a sense of claustroph­obia for some of you who will chaff under the intense closeness and proximity. You will have to decide what is important in life and take the right step. Don’t allow some momentary discomfort to spoil good relationsh­ips. The Queen of Swords shows the presence of dominant women in your life.



This week will bring to focus all that you seek to achieve through your ambitions and aspiration­s. In fact, it’s probably the only thing you will be thinking about. How to go forward? The Ace of Wands suggests that there is a good outcome that you can anticipate for all your efforts, while the Three of Wands brings a hint of travel and overseas connection­s. If there are ways and means of getting your work noticed overseas, then you should probably work towards that. But this path is not going to be smooth. The Seven of Wands shows some sort of self-sabotaging thoughts that blocks your true potential and success. The last card is also an indication of how you are constantly fighting battles and are at odds with those around you in your workspace. Somehow you feel that most of them do not live up to your expectatio­ns.



The solitary phase is about to end in the coming days. The feeling of wanting to hide away in the depths of darkness, is coming to a close and you will find big changes coming. This can happen at the workspace, personal life, and other significan­t areas of your life. The Tower is an indication of that. The next phase will break all things you held dear and give you a new set of patterns and ideas that will take you to the next level. This is essential as well as enlighteni­ng. There is much to celebrate as you will see in the coming days. The reasons could be many but mainly of how you have held yourself all this while and done things with the larger good in mind. So don’t be surprised when many happy things come into your life to show you that rewards do come.


20 APRIL – 21 MAY

It is a bit of a tough week ahead for most Taureans. That is because all three cards drawn, show a certain amount of challenges in different areas — first expecting things to fall into place soon is not going to happen the way you think it should. That is indicated by the appearance of the Seven of Cups. This shows that you would like a perfect world with things being in place according to you. Second, the Five of Wands brings hostility and friction both outside and within. This could arise out of ideas about work and those who work with you. And you will have to find ways and means to dilute frayed tempers by thinking of solutions that could be something you are not used to. So look outside of what you normally do and there are things that will come to your aid. Third, is a follow up of what has been said about solutions.



The phase you are entering is all about knowledge and learning. Make the best of this time because the more you equip yourself the better you are at what you will be doing in the future. The High Priestess suggests that you take more time to learn things — about yourself and the work you do. The High Priestess also indicates that you are a knowledgea­ble person who hides behind a breezy exterior. This works sometimes, but not all the time. You need to show the world what you are capable of. However, all the good things in the world do not make you feel any less lonely. The Five of Cups is an indication of that. Feelings of being by yourself and being somewhat unsupporte­d, are the two stumbling blocks in your progress through life.



Strength and Temperance are both needed in times like this. And the week will see you veering more and more towards this. Both cards show that you could be going through some tough times, emotionall­y and otherwise. So it is best you stay calm and take things easy — no matter what the provocatio­n from life. Strength also indicates that you will need to keep your feelings under control or things will overtake you. And Temperance shows that you will be feeling very heavy with emotions and will also struggle to keep it all under check. All these ties in with the King of Swords, which is a clear indication of how you will need to be able to think with great clarity to be able to tide over this temporary phase. The King also suggests the presence of a strong male figure who will support you.

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