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Trans-Atlantic romanticis­m ends with Donald Trump

- ALEXANDRA VON NAHMEN — This article was provided by Deutsche Welle

In the European Union, we tend to idealise the US as an internatio­nal partner. But we should stop that as soon as possible — regardless of who the US president is. Leaders in the European Union are watching the events unfolding in the US with shock and horror. The US, called the cradle of modern democracy, is tottering. Incumbent President Donald Trump has already claimed victory and, without evidence, accused the opposition of election fraud — although votes remain to be counted. Some observers are warning of a constituti­onal crisis. Many cannot understand why so many Americans would vote to re-elect Trump.

Many in the EU are disappoint­ed — some might even say offended — and are wondering about the future of their trans-Atlantic partner. In the past four years, its once familiar behavior has become increasing­ly erratic and difficult to understand. Many would have been happy to be spared the suspense of this election and to witness the president’s quick defeat. An election win for his rival, Joe Biden, would lead to a quick restoratio­n of trust. At least, that’s what politician­s are hoping for in Germany, France and Spain.

This election has made it clear that it makes no sense to idealise the United States. The romanticis­ed view of the nation, which some Americans describe as “a shining city on a hill,” is obsolete. It already was when President Obama was in office. It will be the case even if Biden becomes president. The US has taken a pragmatic approach to its partnershi­ps. The question for US foreign policy is whether a partnershi­p will benefit its interests.

It is true that there is a particular bond between the European Union and the US that is based on a common past and values. But US leaders tend to approach their partnershi­ps more as a cool-headed cost-benefit analysis. Under Obama, the US started turned its attention away from the European Union and look more toward countries across the Pacific. In future, competitio­n with China will continue to keep US leaders on their toes. The US will no longer be the “policeman of the world.” “Buy American” and “Hire American” will remain popular slogans. Even if Biden wins, the demands he makes of nations within Europe will not be so different from those of his predecesso­r.

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