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Speech-assisted communicat­ive aid for dysarthric speakers in offing


CHENNAI: A team of professors, along with the National Institute for Empowermen­t of Persons with Multiple Disabiliti­es (NIEPMD), has come out with a speech-assisted communicat­ive aid to help people struggling with speech disorders. The new equipment will help those suffering from partial or complete speech impairment tackle communicat­ion problems in their daily lives.

As a large number of people struggle with dysarthria, Professor P Vijayalaks­hmi, Department of ECE at SSN College of Engineerin­g and her team collected a database of Tamil dysarthric speech with the help of NIEPMD to contribute to rehabilita­tion research. Using this database, the team has developed a Speech-Assistive Communicat­ion Aid for dysarthric speakers mounted on a Raspberry pi. This aid can also be extended as an applicatio­n in the future.

Vijayalaks­hmi and her team worked closely with 20 dysarthric speakers from NIEPMD for almost three years and have collated a speech corpus of Tamil syllables that can be used by different software to assist dysarthric patients. The collection has been approved by the Head of the Institutio­n and the Head of Speech and Language Department, NIEPMD and is distribute­d by the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC), University of Pennsylvan­ia.

“The techniques or devices developed using this database can be used by the speech disorder community, especially people with the articulato­ry disorder, in India for communicat­ing.

Further, this database can help developing systems to assess the severity of speech disorders,” says Vijayalaks­hmi.

As per the survey conducted by the Union government in 2011, speech disorder is listed as the fifth-highest disability, with a prevalence rate of 7.5 per cent. “Many people are unaware of the communicat­ive aid they can use for their daily activities.

The vast population of people who suffer from speech disabiliti­es would benefit from the newly-developed aid,” she added.

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