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The US aided, hampered escape of scribes

The American Secretary of State had cited a “massive effort” by the government of the United States, but people involved in the evacuation on the ground, instead describe bureaucrat­ic snags that derailed the mission

- BEN SMITH Ben Smith is a journalist with NYT©2021

As American news organisati­ons scrambled to evacuate their Afghan journalist­s and their families last month, I reported that those working for The New York Times had found refuge not in New York or Washington, but in Mexico City. The gist of that column was that even outlets like the Times and The Wall Street Journal had learned that the U.S. government would not be able to help at critical moments. In its place was a hodgepodge of other nations, led by tiny Qatar, along with relief groups, veterans associatio­ns and private companies.

Some State Department officials took umbrage at the idea that the U.S. government had abandoned Afghans who had worked alongside American journalist­s during the 20-year war. In telephone interviews last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and two other officials closely involved in the evacuation of journalist­s and many others from Afghanista­n made the case to me that the U.S. exit should be seen as a success. They pointed to the scale of the operation — 124,000 people evacuated, in total — as the ultimate American commitment to Afghanista­n’s civil society. “We evacuated at least 700 media affiliates, the majority of whom are Afghan nationals, under the most challengin­g conditions imaginable,” Blinken said in an interview Friday. “That was a massive effort and one that didn’t just start on evacuation day.”

When it came to the government’s role, Blinken said he was referring, primarily, to the fact that the United States was able to operate Hamid Karzai Internatio­nal Airport, to the courage of military and State Department employees who worked there and to the decision in early August to include journalist­s among the “at risk” groups eligible to leave Afghanista­n. (A spokespers­on later called to say Blinken wasn’t trying to take full credit for evacuation­s.) Blinken also said the United States was still trying to bring out more Afghan journalist­s, particular­ly those who have worked for Voice of America and other media outlets funded by the U.S. government. But people at major news organisati­ons and others who pushed to get journalist­s out of the country told me they were incredulou­s that the United States would claim to have played a pivotal role in the exodus. And further reporting bore out their contention.

Major American news organisati­ons ended up dealing directly with Qatar’s government, which had cultivated a relationsh­ip with the Taliban. A Qatari official said that his government had led the evacuation­s of people working for the Times, the Journal, The Washington Post, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, NPR, Vice and CNN, as well as the Committee to Protect Journalist­s group. Several people at those organisati­ons confirmed that account, though they spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are still trying to get other journalist­s out of Afghanista­n. The experience of one Afghan reporter, Ahmad Wali Sarhadi, offers a glimpse of the roles played by the United States and its allies, private organisati­ons, non-profit groups and sheer chance.

Sarhadi had been freelancin­g for Afghan television outlets, The Financial Times, The Associated Press and Der Spiegel. He also did work for a project, Salaam Times, that was funded by the Defense Department. In addition, Sarhadi had appeared on television accusing the Taliban of human rights violations in rural villages.

On the morning of Aug. 12, moments after he had filed a television report on the situation in Kandahar, he learned that the Taliban had entered the city, he said in an interview. He fled out the back of his house and lied his way through checkpoint­s all along a day’s drive to Kabul. There, he sent panicked emails to the internatio­nal news media outlets he had worked for and to anyone else he thought could help. The only promising response came from the Committee to Protect Journalist­s, a well-connected American non-profit organisati­on that helps journalist­s in the world’s trouble spots. “You are not alone — we are going to support you,” the email said, according to Sarhadi. “That’s an email I will never forget,” he said. Maria Salazar Ferro, the emergencie­s director of the Committee to Protect Journalist­s, had already been putting together a list of Afghan journalist­s who weren’t being helped by other organisati­ons, and her team had vetted Sarhadi’s documents.

The non-profit’s Washington lobbyist, Michael De Dora, was also part of the effort, having taken part in conversati­ons in July and August with State Department officials. Those talks began hopefully, and on Aug. 2 the State Department announced that it would extend to journalist­s a priority visa, intended for Afghans who did not work directly for the U.S. military but were nonetheles­s at risk. Then, obstacles began to mount. On Aug. 5, a U.S. official using only a first name sent an email from an account staffed round-the-clock by different employees that offered an important clarificat­ion: It said that freelancer­s and contractor­s, a category of worker that made up the bulk of those working with U.S. organisati­ons, would not be eligible for the visa. A copy of the email was shared with me by the Committee to Protect Journalist­s.

On Aug. 12, the Committee to Protect Journalist­s began sharing its list of at-risk Afghan journalist­s, which would ultimately grow to more than 400, with the State Department. Three days later, on Aug. 15, Kabul fell to the Taliban. On Aug. 16, the State Department reversed course and told news organisati­ons that it would broaden the visa program to include freelancer­s and contractor­s. By then, however, it was too late to easily move journalist­s to third countries to apply for visas.

Sarhadi joined the dense crowd at Hamid Karzai Internatio­nal Airport, trying and failing to get through a gate. On Aug. 20, Joel Simon, the head of the Committee to Protect Journalist­s, and De Dora met via Zoom with Uzra Zeya, the under-secretary of state for civilian security, democracy and human rights. They said they left the meeting convinced that the U.S. would do nothing to help.

They went looking for help elsewhere, and met the same day with the deputy director of the Qatari government’s communicat­ions office, Sheikh Thamer bin Hamad Al Thani. Al Thani asked for a list of the Afghan journalist­s it considered most in danger, then sent word that a convoy should assemble at a safe location near the Kabul airport. On Aug. 23, the Qatari ambassador to Afghanista­n led 16 journalist­s and their families from the safe house to the airport. They flew to Doha the next day. Many of the other journalist­s on the list are still in Afghanista­n. “We didn’t see any policy here,” Simon said of the U.S. government’s role in the evacuation. “Our experience was that powerful media organisati­ons were able to leverage their own relationsh­ips and use their own resources,” he said. Others involved in rescue efforts had similar experience­s, finding that formal U.S. government channels were at best useless and at worst an obstacle.

The story of evacuating U.S. journalist­s is a microcosm of the larger evacuation and of the wider debate over the withdrawal. Journalist­s, critics suggested, were too close to the story, bound up in the lives of their Afghan friends, to see the wisdom in getting out. But the correspond­ents on the ground were largely depicting what was in front of their eyes — both chaos, and the surprising absence of American organisati­onal capacity.

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