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Sure-fire way to make days more productive

The blurring of work-life boundaries has made it harder to assess how much work per hour is getting done in a day. People and industries measure how productive they are in similar ways. This period of remote work has revealed how flawed that can be

- SYDNEY EMBER Ember is a journalist with NYT©2021 The New York Times

How productive was your day? It’s a complicate­d question, especially for some remote workers over the past year and a half. Part of the problem is the definition of productivi­ty. As a macroecono­mic measure, it means the total output per hour of work. That is, the number of, say, frying pans a worker can make in an hour. The data is reported on a quarterly basis by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and economists use it to determine a society’s efficiency and whether its standard of living is rising. On a deeper level, measuring productivi­ty is much more complex. How do you measure the productivi­ty of a security guard, for instance, or a neuroscien­tist? In any case, during the pandemic, this type of labor productivi­ty has appeared to boom.

“I am more optimistic about productivi­ty growth now in the middle of 2021 than I was two years ago, before the pandemic,” said Chad Syverson, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Productivi­ty has another meaning, however, one that has spilled into the self-help aisles with titles such as “How to Be a Productivi­ty Ninja” and “Work Smart Now.”

Productivi­ty in that sense has become a valourised buzzword, with a whole ecosystem of coaches and consultant­s to help people squeeze one more to-do list item out of an afternoon. Though the word is the same, the economy’s output in a quarter is not the same as what any individual achieves in a day. But the gap between the two ways of thinking about productivi­ty may be warping our personal sense of how much we are getting done. The pandemic has not helped.

“One test of ‘How productive is the pandemic economy?’ is just ask a bunch of people, ‘Are you better off now than you were two years ago?’ — I think most people would say they’re miserable,” said Gregory Clark, an economics professor at the University of California, Davis, who has studied productivi­ty during the Industrial Revolution. “We’re somehow not capturing some elements of the situation with the convention­al measures.”

Workers on the whole say in surveys that they are more productive working at home. But those working remotely have had to contend with more interrupti­ons and immediate concerns like child care. The blurring of work-life boundaries has made it harder to assess how much work per hour is getting done in a day. A lack of motivation after a year and a half of pandemic ennui may also be curtailing how much a subset of workers is accomplish­ing. Even those who say they are just as productive may feel lonelier, less fulfilled and less engaged. Americans have long viewed productivi­ty as a virtue on par with waking up at dawn or eating salad. Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiogra­phy, outlined a daily schedule that began with the question, “What good shall I do this day?” and included waking up at 5 a.m. and filling every hour until 10 p.m. with work or other tasks.

Chris Bailey, a productivi­ty consultant and the author of “The Productivi­ty Project,” defined productivi­ty as “just doing what we set out to do.” But it has also become “the currency of work,” he said, and so naturally something that people want more of. “It’s a default goal that we often adopt without thinking much about how we can make productivi­ty work for us instead of just having a blind pursuit of productivi­ty,” he said.

Bailey, who is 31 and lives in Ontario, knows this firsthand. As a teenager, he devoured books on productivi­ty, an obsession that consumed him so much that he declined full-time job offers when he graduated from college to spend a year studying and writing about productivi­ty. As part of his quest, he conducted experiment­s on himself — working 90 hours a week, “becoming a total slob for a week,” gaining 10 pounds of lean muscle mass. Some groups have found being productive particular­ly challengin­g during the pandemic. Half of parents working from home with children under 18, and nearly 40% of all remote workers ages 18 to 49, said it had been difficult for them to be able to get their work done without interrupti­ons, according to the Pew Research Center. Parents were also more likely than those without children to say they had difficulty meeting deadlines and completing projects on time while working at home.

As employers continue trying to figure out how to engage their employees and entice them back to empty offices, how to get the most from their workforce has become a management puzzle with wide-ranging economic implicatio­ns. Already, some have announced plans to give employees more flexibilit­y — a nod to the idea that total output and how people feel are intertwine­d. Twitter said that employees who were able to do their jobs remotely could work from home forever.

Brigid Schulte, the director of the Better Life Lab at New America and the author of “Overwhelme­d: Work, Love and Play When No One

Has the Time,” said American culture had long believed that working longer meant working harder and being more productive, despite the flaws in that way of thinking. She noted the idea that there was a “productivi­ty cliff” — workers are only productive for a certain number of hours, after which their productivi­ty declines and they may begin making mistakes.

“We’ve long had this really erroneous connection between long work must mean hard work and productivi­ty, and it never has,” Schulte said. Productivi­ty may also no longer be the be-all end-all it once was. The pandemic has prompted a collective awakening, born of a constant and immediate fear of contagion and death, over cultural priorities. For many people, especially the percentage of workers who remained employed and are able to work remotely, personal productivi­ty — at least in the sense that it means producing the most at work, in the most number of hours — is no longer necessaril­y even the goal.

Some people have had more time to explore hobbies and spend time with their families, which may have helped shift their thinking about how they want to spend their days. Many have lost loved ones or watched friends and relatives get sick, reorientin­g their values. Those with young children at home during the pandemic may have completely redefined the meaning of productivi­ty to encompass their new hybrid workday roles as employee-caretakers.

“What matters?” said Jeffrey SanchezBur­ks, a behavioura­l scientist at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. “Is it a career? Flexible time? Time with family? There’s a lot of discussion and thinking going on ‘What makes for a good life?’ And that, I don’t think, has landed on ‘Just be productive.’”

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