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Expedite trial in 26/11 terror case, Pak told


NEW DELHI: India cannot forget the wounds of the Mumbai terror attacks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday on the 13th anniversar­y of the carnage even as a senior diplomat of the Pakistani High Commission was summoned and told that Islamabad must ensure expeditiou­s trial in the case.

In a short video released by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on the 26/11 attacks, Modi also said that today’s India is combating terrorism with a “new policy and new ways” as he paid tributes to the victims of the strikes.

The MEA said a note verbale was handed over to the Pakistani diplomat, reiteratin­g New Delhi’s demand for an expeditiou­s trial in the Mumbai attacks case and asking that country to abide by its commitment to not allow territorie­s under its control for terrorism against India.

“I pay homage to all those who died in the Mumbai attack. Many brave police personnel were also martyred in the strike. I also pay homage to them,” Modi said in Hindi in the video posted by the MEA on Twitter.

“India cannot forget the wounds of the Mumbai attack. Today’s India is combating terrorism with a new policy and new ways,” he said.

In a statement titled ‘Thirteen years of seeking justice for the victims of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the MEA asserted that the terror attack was “planned, executed and launched” from Pakistani territory.

“It is a matter of deep anguish that even after 13 years of this heinous terror attack, the families of 166 victims from 15 countries across the globe still await closure, with Pakistan showing little sincerity in bringing the perpetrato­rs to justice,” it said in a statement.

The MEA said India will continue to make every effort to seek justice for the families of the “victims and the martyrs” of the attacks. “The former Pakistan PM had gone on record and admitted that the terrorists were sent from Pakistan’s soil,” the MEA said, in a reference to comments made by former premier Nawaz Sharif. “We once again call on the government of Pakistan to give up double standards and to expeditiou­sly bring the perpetrato­rs of the horrific attack to justice,” it said.

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