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Ex-DGP spots mysterious flying objects near city


CHENNAI: On Wednesday, July 26, as a senior national intelligen­ce official in Washington told a House Oversight subcommitt­ee that the US government is sheltering alien spacecraft, a retired DGP-ranked officer and his wife who were out for a stroll along the beaches in Muttukadu, thousands of miles from the US capital, witnessed a rather unusual sight.

They saw a streak of light that, however, when captured on his mobile phone appear to be four almost-identical flying objects. Retired DGP Prateep V Philip and a city-based person who calls himself an ‘unidentifi­ed flying object (UFO) enthusiast’ suspect that they were UFOs.

According to Prateep, who retired as the chief of CB-CID, he and his wife saw an unusual light in the sky over the sea off Muttukadu. “It was around 5.30 pm and the sky was relatively clear. My wife and I noticed an unusual light on the sky. I took out my iPhone and clicked a photograph. To our naked eyes, we could see only some light. But when

To our naked eyes, we could see only some light. But when we zoomed the image, instead of the white light, we could see four objects – probably UFOs

Prateep V Philip, Retired Director General of Police

we zoomed the image, instead of the white light we could see four objects – probably unidentifi­ed flying objects. That was totally unexpected,” he told DT Next.

The whole episode lasted just 20 to 25 seconds before the lights disappeare­d towards the northern sky. “Those were definitely not drones or aircraft. If those were UFOs, it would be the first image of such flying objects captured in India,” he said.

When asked, Chennai-based UFO enthusiast Sabir Hussain, the founder of the Indian Society for UFO studies, pointed out that the person who spotted the objects was a retired DGP and hence a ‘reliable witness’. “There were many incidents in India where people claimed to have seen UFOs. But so far nobody has taken any pictures,” he noted.

Analysing the photograph, Sabir, who has authored a book titled ‘Accidental UFO Apocalypse’, said that the four objects are seen flying in formation at the same angle. He recalled that something similar was reported at the British air force base (Bentwaters base) in 1980, wherein objects that appeared as a single light broke into different parts.

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