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Play active role to ensure fair polls, CEO urges public


CHENNAI: Chief Electoral Officer of Tamil Nadu Satyabrata Sahoo on Thursday said they geared up for general elections with more than an adequate number of electronic voting machines (EVMs), control units, and voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPATs).

They have also taken measures to ensure fair and free elections, besides encouragin­g the electorate­s to be the eyes and ears of the commission to thwart political parties from indulging in corrupt practices.

“We are ready with 1.7 lakh EVMs, 99,000 Control Units, and 97,000 VVPATs for the general elections. An adequate number of machines are available in all the districts and we also have a reserve of 20% extra machines,” Sahoo said. The commission has taken measures to encourage the public to aid them in preventing political parties and candidates from distributi­ng cash and gifts in a bid to bribe the voters, he said and elaborated on ECI’s app cVigil launched in 2018. The public with smartphone­s can download the mobile applicatio­n from the Play Store. They can upload pictures and videos of malpractic­es during election campaigns with specific details such as location address and landmark. Action would be taken within 100 minutes from the time of uploading the complaint from the App.

“We will protect the

ECI has taken measures to encourage the public to help it in preventing political parties and candidates from bribing voters

identity of the complaints and also reply to the complainan­t regarding the action taken based on their complaint,” he said.

He further said that the electorate­s can apply for a change of address. It can be accepted till 10 days before the candidates file nomination papers.

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