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Over 80% of urban women have Vitamin D deficiency: Study


CHENNAI: Vitamin D deficiency is common among women with the levels below 30ng/ml considered insufficie­nt or deficient. This results in poor bone health and can cause severe bone and muscle pain, and frequent fractures.

Records from Vitamin D testing camps conducted by a private clinic chain and a health drink in 2023 revealed that approximat­ely 80% of urban women’s Vitamin D levels is low.

Data collected by Apollo Clinic and a health drink brand revealed that women normalise recurrent bone pain and fail to identify its root cause. It highlighte­d that 87% of women are unaware of the link between body pain and poor bone health, and choose medicines for temporary pain relief.

Vitamin D is produced in the skin after exposure to sunlight. A sedentary lifestyle, polluted air and indoor workspaces have contribute­d to the increased prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency. Dr Suma Raghuram, general physician, Apollo Clinic, says, “Working women, especially those who have desk jobs, are quite prone to Vitamin D deficiency. They suffer from constant bone pains or in some cases, specific pain such as in their back or knee. When it persists, they prefer to take painkiller­s or ointments rather than see a doctor.”

She added that in most cases, the pain goes away after regular intake of nutritiona­l supplement­s containing Vitamin D and calcium. “Women need to be educated about the type and quantity of nutritiona­l supplement­s to be taken to help them maintain their bone health. A good diet, physical exercise along with nutritiona­l supplement­s with Vitamin D will save them from the risk of a deficiency and brittle bones,” she opined.

Dietary sources of Vitamin D are very limited. The best sources are fatty fish, cod liver oil and a small quantity found in egg yolk and certain mushrooms. Including nutritiona­l supplement­s in the diet regularly is recommende­d to maintain optimum levels of Vitamin D.

Along with this, women should also adopt healthy habits such as receive sufficient exposure to sunlight and do regular exercise. “This holistic approach can not only improve their bone health, it reduces body aches and the risk of fractures as they age,” added Dr Suma.

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