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US welcomes formation of new Palestine government

Washington sees key role for Palestine Authority in post-war Gaza


JERUSALEM: The United States has welcomed the formation of a new Palestinia­n autonomy government, signalling it is accepting the revised Cabinet lineup as a step toward Palestinia­n political reform.

The Biden administra­tion has called for “revitalizi­ng” the West Bankbased Palestinia­n Authority in hopes that it can also administer the Gaza Strip once the Israel-Hamas war ends. The war erupted nearly six months ago, triggered by an October 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel.

In a statement late Friday, US State Department spokespers­on Matthew Miller said the United States looks forward to working with the new group of ministers “to deliver on credible reforms.”

“A revitalize­d PA is essential to delivering results for the Palestinia­n people in both the West Bank and Gaza and establishi­ng the conditions for stability in the broader region,” Miller said.

The Palestinia­n Authority administer­s parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank. It is headed by Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas, who has not faced an election in almost two decades.

The United States sees the Palestinia­n Authority as a key part of its preferred plans for post-war Gaza. But the authority has little popular support or legitimacy among Palestinia­ns, with many viewing it as a subcontrac­tor of the occupation because of its security cooperatio­n with Israel in the West Bank.

Earlier this month, Abbas tapped

Mohammad Mustafa, a US-educated economist, as prime minister. On Thursday, Mustafa named his new lineup.

The Islamic militant group Hamas, a rival of Abbas, drove his security forces from Gaza in a 2007 takeover. The United States wants a reformed Palestinia­n Authority to return and administer Gaza, an idea that has been rejected by both Israel and Hamas.

 ?? ?? File photo of Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas with Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa
File photo of Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas with Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa

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