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Rule of timely payment to MSMEs from today


NEW DELHI: The Income Tax rule disallowin­g businesses from claiming tax deductions for payments beyond 45 days to MSMEs for supply of goods and services will come into effect on Monday.

According to Section 43B(h) of the Income Tax Act, introduced through Finance Act 2023, if a larger company does not pay an MSME on time - within 45 days in case of written agreements - it cannot deduct that expense from its taxable income, leading to potentiall­y higher taxes.

Some industry bodies have urged the government to postpone implementa­tion of the new payment rules, the Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprise­s (FISME) is of the opinion that the new rule has the potential to be a game-changer for MSMEs.

MSMEs fear due to this provision, large buyers could cold-shoulder MSME suppliers and start buying either from those MSMEs that are not registered with Udyam or from non-MSMEs.

Acknowledg­ing that Section 43B(h) has caused some apprehensi­ons among both MSMEs and larger businesses, FISME said, “such fears are unfounded”.

“Replacing dependable suppliers just because a large company does not want to pay them in time is a ridiculous conclusion to draw. In any case, in the worst eventualit­y, the tax thus paid over such delays can be adjusted the following year when the company pays the supplier. But it does instill discipline in commercial practices,” the industry body said. On the other hand, FISME added despite the apprehensi­ons, Section 43B(h) has the potential to be a game-changer for MSMEs. MSMEs will receive payments faster, which is crucial for their financial health and growth, it said.

“The provision strengthen­s MSMEs’ position when negotiatin­g payment terms with larger companies. Timely payments can minimise potential disputes and legal hassles over outstandin­g dues. It encourages more transparen­t and accountabl­e business practices in the MSME ecosystem,” it said.

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