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UK’s David Cameron to urge US to back help for Ukraine


LONDON: British Foreign Secretary David Cameron is expected to urge US lawmakers to approve a new package of aid for Ukraine when he visits Washington this week, warning Congress that it is putting the security of the West at risk by continuing to hold up the funding.

The trip is a chance for Cameron to personally deliver the message he posted on social media last week in which he called on Western leaders to put pressure on House Speaker Mike Johnson and Republican­s in Congress to approve additional aid for Ukraine, as Britain and the EU have already done.

“Speaker Johnson can make it happen in Congress,” Cameron said in a video posted on social media platform X. “I’m going to go and see him next week and say, ‘Ukraine needs that money. It is American security, it’s European security, it’s Britain’s security that’s on the line in Ukraine, and they need our help.’”

A USD 95 billion aid package for Ukraine has been bogged down in the House of Representa­tives for months as populist conservati­ves seek to block further funding for the two-yearold conflict and some mainstream Republican­s demand concession­s on border security before supporting the bill.

Cameron’s trip to Washington comes after he and his French counterpar­t, Stéphane Sejourne, issued a joint rallying cry for Ukraine’s allies to come up with more funding.

Their article, published in Britain’s Daily Telegraph, marks 120 years of the Entente Cordiale, a series of agreements between France and the UK that paved the way for improved cross-Channel relations.

 ?? ?? David Cameron (left) with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, at the Capitol in Washington (file)
David Cameron (left) with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, at the Capitol in Washington (file)

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