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This week there are numbers to use for vitamin deficienci­es. These are not a substitute for proper medical advice and attention, but can be complement­ary to that. So, here are some useful codes. 72,668,737,947 - Zinc 47,887,841,689 - Vitamin C 97,674,858,377 - Vitamin A, B, C, and E, and Zinc

21 MAY — 21 JUNE

Take inputs from seniors, fathers and teachers, who will help you do better – even in your routine. The King of Cups shows that you are lucky enough to have this presence and guidance. And that is also emphasized because there is too much overthinki­ng and feeling frustrated and trapped- this is only a mind game and ideally don’t take all that goes on in the mind too seriously. They are like mirages. Allow those who truly love you to help you.


The week prepares you for some joy and happiness through children and perhaps grandchild­ren. Their achievemen­ts, success and their place in the sun will all make you proud. The Two of Cups shows harmony, friendship and good relationsh­ips with significan­t people in your life, while the Sun card shows prominence, applause, attention and the limelight on the young ones in the family. Around May and June, there could be additions and celebratio­ns.


The Four of Wands shows there is harmony and happiness in your personal life, with home and the members in it being in tandem with all that you do and everyone cohabiting peacefully. This card also shows the setting up of a happy home soon. The Seven of Wands indicates some hostility about what you need to do as far as work is concerned. You want something only the way you visualise it. But it could come in ways that are good. Try to shift your perspectiv­es.


A young lad will provide answers to your work situations. The Page of Wands suggests that someone will show you the ways that could work to some ageold challenges stuck in time. And indeed, the Ace of Wands seems to agree because there is success, wealth and leadership ensured. Meanwhile, you will profit with good karma and should spend time with the elderly and make such people happy. Giving selflessly of yourself will go a long way.


Crawling back into a silent space where you don’t have to confront or come across anyone. You prefer to slink away and not deal with the people of the work. The Eight of Cups indicates this, while The Empress shows that no matter what you feel, you are on top of things and in command. You continue to be the nurturer, the helper and the provider in the best possible manner. There is also good harmony between partners and spouses. 88,476,847,687 - Vitamin D increase 3,843,384,346,484,937 Vitamin B12 utilize 3hz - Improve immunity 7794218 - Protect against flu

20 MARCH— 20 APRIL The Page of Cups indicates new projects, directions and work that will be satisfying and fulfilling. Many of those starting their career will find the right things to do and be part of. The King of Swords shows the guidance of a strong individual, who has clarity when it comes to directions to take, and these inputs can be helpful. Meanwhile, you will find time to interact with the elderly and be a loving presence in their lives.

20 APRIL — 21 MAY Understand that everything you are going through is a great learning experience that will sustain you over the years. The High Priestess shows that this is a time for learning and becoming aware of your path and your mission. The Two of Wands shows journeys, collaborat­ions and joint ventures that will ensure you to keep going back and forth to get work done. With days passing by, you will get educated and also educate others.

21 JUNE — 23 JULY

As the Tamil New Year is here and also the new financial year, be prepared to upheavals and changes that will feel drastic and unsettling, so that you will be forced to see things differentl­y. The Tower (destructio­n of the old and building of the new) and the Death card (major life changes) come as a double combo that ensures disruption is evident before the new life can be built. While you adapt to these changes you are going to feel extremely burdened.


You feel you have to do things aggressive­ly and therefore you find yourself in the battle mode most of the time. This can be draining. The Knight of Swords shows this and that putting all your energy into a hostile activity can also be counterpro­ductive. The Hanged Man therefore suggests that there are challenges you are facing, when it comes to work and relationsh­ips. Find solutions that are not convention­al. These challenges will lead you to the right path.


You could be living a life of solitude in your mind and the feeling of being alone in a crowd is not beyond you. The Hermit card tells you that this is a time for introspect­ion, to conserve your energy and make proper plans for the future. You have the Divine walking with you. The Chariot shows you are on the right track and believe in doing things as per the book. You also weigh the good and the bad before you do or judge something.


Don’t think too much as this is a time when you will look at worst case scenarios. A gloomy outlook that won’t make you feel better in a hurry. The Moon card also plays up with the moods and if you can be aware of the influence of this element, then be measured in responses if provoked. The Star card, however, augurs well for stardom, attention, limelight and appreciati­on for all that you do. This is also a time to reinforce your work and goals.


It will take three to four months to see the ideas in your mind come to fruition. Also, you could be doing some renovation, changes or building new things within your space of living. The Three of Pentacles seems to show that and this could extend to buying new properties. The Seven of Pentacles indicates financial stability. What you have saved carefully can come handy if you want to further reinvest it. Through all this, you are being guided by a strong person.

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