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Lava tube in Saudi, a human refuge for 7,000 years


When ancient humans pushed into the Arabian Peninsula, they found a world marked by magma. Swaths of it once erupted from volcanoes, leaving a landscape of craters and frozen lava flows. Many of these seemingly otherworld­ly volcanic fields are adorned with archaeolog­ical remains — from small dwellings to colossal animal-corralling structures called kites — that date back millennium­s.

Little is known about the identities and lives of those humans. But a study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One has revealed that their occupation of this volcanic realm extended undergroun­d. Archaeolog­ists at a site in northweste­rn Saudi Arabia have excavated a lava tube — the naturally hollowed-out subterrane­an remnant of a lava flow.

In this lava tube, named Umm Jirsan and the first in Saudi Arabia to be excavated, they uncovered stone tool fragments, animal remains and human bones, the oldest of which were close to 7,000 years old. “This is really the first clear evidence of people occupying these caves,” said Mathew Stewart, a paleontolo­gist at Griffith University in Australia who is one of the study’s authors.

Umm Jirsan’s tunnels have a combined length of almost

5,000 feet, and only small sections have been examined. Rather than as a permanent habitat, early humans probably used this volcanic cave as a way station during migrations between oases. “Umm Jirsan would have offered a really nice place of refuge,” from shifting and often extreme climatic conditions, Dr. Stewart said.

With thousands of additional volcanic caves like Umm Jirsan across Saudi Arabia,

the new study shows that they “hold huge promise” for understand­ing the migrations of early humans, Dr. Stewart said. The Arabian Peninsula has been a site of human migration and occupation for hundreds of thousands of years. In extensive surveys in recent years, scientists have spied millions of archaeolog­ical features (like lakeside hearths) and structures (like tombs and ritual gathering sites) that those people left behind. “On the volcanoes themselves, there’s archaeolog­y,” said Melissa Kennedy, who is an archaeolog­ist at the University of Sydney not involved with the new work. Many such sites date back to times when stone tools were in vogue.

The timing and nature of the region’s various occupation­s are still poorly understood. One issue is that desert heat and winds degrade bones and other organic material. But Saudi geologists, who had comprehens­ively mapped their country’s lava tubes, had noted the presence of archaeolog­ical remains, suggesting that these caves may better preserve fragile matter.

To test that notion, in 2019, Dr. Stewart’s team went to Umm Jirsan to conduct the first archaeolog­ical excavation of an Arabian Peninsula lava tube. An earlier study based on that expedition revealed that hyenas had used it as a den and left behind remains of birds, hare, gazelle and camels (all possibly prey). Two human skull fragments were also found.

“Hyenas were robbing graves,” Dr. Stewart said. But aside from these scavenging­s, were there more human remains in the lava tube? The team’s new study reveals an abundance of evidence of human sojourns elsewhere in the cave.

Robin G Andrews is a journalist The New York Times

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