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Cancel interviews for all TNPSC tests, demands PMK


CHENNAI: Welcoming the decision of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) to cancel interview for Group II jobs, PMK founder S Ramadoss urged the government to take a decision against interview for Group I jobs too.

In a statement, the senior leader said that even though the reforms announced by the TNPSC will help candidates, the measure is not sufficient to modernise the Commission. “PMK’s stand is always against interviews for TNPSC jobs. The shadow budget of the PMK has demanded this for the last 5 years. Interviews are the main reason for misconduct­s in appointmen­ts. Interview round should be removed to ensure jobs to poor and middle class people,” he said.

He added that interviews for central government jobs except Group-A and Group-B (Gazetted) have been cancelled. In Andhra Pradesh, interviews have been cancelled for Group I jobs like deputy collector and superinten­dent of police. “In Andhra, interviews in government jobs have been completely eradicated. In

Tamil Nadu also, interviews for Group I posts should be removed,” he urged.

Ramadoss also demanded the TNPSC not to conduct preliminar­y and main exams for Group-2A jobs and conduct a single exam. “Moreover, TNPSC delays release of results. Examinatio­n process of Group I and Group II goes on for 30 months on several occasions. This causes mental agony to candidates.

UPSC appoints thousands of civil servants every year. Results for the exams are released within one year. The results were never delayed by UPSC. TNPSC should follow this by releasing a permanent schedule,” he opined.

The PMK leader demanded the TNPSC to ensure release of notificati­ons for Group I jobs in February and release results in December every year. “Similarly, notificati­on for Group II should be released in March and results should be released in the main exam which should be conducted in August. For Group IV, notificati­ons should be released in March and September. The TNPSC should make reforms in the selection process,” he urged.

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