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Dog attack: GCC serves notice on pet owner



CHENNAI: The Greater Chennai Corporatio­n (GCC) issued notice to the owner of two Rottweiler­s that attacked a 5-year-old child at Thousand Lights on Sunday. Corporatio­n Commission­er J Radhakrish­nan told reporters that the owner did not have a licence from the local body for rearing the ferocious breed.

The Commission­er assured that an inquiry would be conducted regarding the dog’s vaccinatio­n details at the earliest.

Officials are not in a position to provide further details, as the owners of the pet are out of station, added Radhakrish­nan. “The Rottweiler­s come under the list of ferocious breeds banned by the central government recently. The pet owner has a license from the Kennel Club of India. But a pet licence from the Corporatio­n is mandatory to track the dog’s vaccinatio­n details,” he added.

The official added that the child attacked by the pet dog has been admitted to a private hospital and surgery has been performed. The Corporatio­n is monitoring the health status of the child, he said.

“There are various challenges faced by the civic body while catching stray dogs for animal birth control surgeries and immunisati­on, as we are controlled by stringent rules laid down by the Animal Welfare Board of India,” Radhakrish­nan added. “Apart from anti-rabies vaccinatio­n for stray dogs, we have been vaccinatin­g them with six-in-one vaccine, apart from deworming services. It is important for the owners to vaccinate their pet dogs and get a licence from the Corporatio­n,” the Commission­er said.

We appeal to the stakeholde­rs, especially pet owners and activists, and all concerned, including civic agencies, to go beyond the stated legal positions and appreciate the problem caused by unrestrain­ed animals

— J Radhakrish­nan, GCC Commission­er

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