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STARTUP: How You Can Market Your Brilliant Product Without Spending Fortune

There is, undoubtedl­y, nothing bigger than creating a good product which, after all, is the crown jewel of a start-up. But just creating a brilliant product without making its existence known to the world defeats its purpose

- Siddha Dhar

Launching a start-up is a big deal. Of course, getting funds and developing a great product is crucial to succeeding in this intensely competitiv­e space, but there is still something that can make or break your business.

For the ones still wondering, it is your target audience, your consumer, your client, or whichever word you might like to go for. The point is, the customer is the king, and they decide whether your product or service is ultimately worth their money and time.

In that case, reaching out to the target audience and, most importantl­y, the correct target audience for your product is paramount to make your start-up succeed. Even if, for instance, you have the most innovative product with the most talented team working on it but if you do not market it correctly, the chances of your product being a hit among consumers are at long odds.

Shivam Dikshit, VP at IoTfy, highlights the importance of good marketing for building a start-up. He says, “There are brands that are doing exceptiona­l work, but they are not known since they don’t market their product that well.”

But why is marketing such a big deal? And how exactly do you effectivel­y market your brand? Dive in to find out the answers.

Bridge between brand and consumer

“Marketing is the first step where the conversion begins before the customers come in and they want to see what is in it that would compel them to hook on with the company. Why would I reach out until and unless I know that there is something of my need with a particular organisati­on?” says Dikshit. This is particular­ly important with respect to an electronic­s start-up.

The electronic­s industry is immensely competitiv­e with new brands and new products coming up every other day. Today, a consumer has too many choices to choose from when it comes to an electronic product, and the chances that they would go for a new, lesser-known brand’s product over a well-establishe­d, popular brand are extremely low. But not zero.

This is where a good marketing strategy comes into play. When you are just starting out, the most effective way to grab your target customer’s attention is to have a highly effective marketing plan that ensures your visibility in the right target group. Once you have their attention, your product can speak for itself.

Here are some tricks that can help you take the first few steps towards marketing your product.

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