
The bat connection

Basic research into the epidemiolo­gy of coronaviru­s needs to be taken up on a war footing.


WHY ARE BATS (CHIROPTERA) A PREFERRED host for so many zoonotic diseases? Some of their characteri­stics (food choices, colonial or solitary nature, population structure, ability to fly, seasonal migration and daily movement patterns, torpor and hibernatio­n, life span, roosting behaviours, ability to echolocate, virus susceptibi­lity, and so on) make them exquisitel­y suitable. Recent observatio­ns of outbreaks and epidemics of newly recognised human and livestock diseases caused by viruses transmitte­d by various megachirop­teran and microchiro­pteran bats have drawn attention anew to these remarkable mammals. According to literature, 66 viruses have been isolated from bats.

Bats are abundant, diverse, and geographic­ally widespread. These mammals provide us with resources, but their importance is minimised and many of their population­s and species are at risk, even threatened or endangered. Whereas other mammals, such as rodents and carnivores, may possess traits in common with bats, such as the ability to hibernate, no group of mammals shares the full suite of attributes that make bats unique.

Bats evolved early and have changed relatively little in comparison with mammals of other taxa. Although the fossil record of bat evolution is incomplete, a recent analysis of 17 nuclear genes dated the origin of chiroptera­ns to the Eocene period (52 to 50 million years ago), coincident with a significan­t rise in global temperatur­e. The correspond­ingly ancient origins deduced for certain zoonotic viruses maintained in bats suggest a long history of co-speciation. Viruses that evolved with bats may have used for replicatio­n cellular receptors and biochemica­l pathways which are conserved in mammals that evolved later and which underwent radiation in later geological periods and, therefore, these conserved cellular receptors and pathways could enhance the capacity for transmissi­on of bat-associated viruses to other mammals.

We do not know enough about bat biology and we are doing too little in terms of bat conservati­on. There remain a multitude of questions regarding the role of bats in disease emergence. Of the more than 4,600 recognised species of mammals, 925 (about 20 per cent) are bats. Bats are unique among mammals in their ability to fly. Bats fly daily in pursuit of food, and bats of many species fly long distances during seasonal migrations. For example, bats of the Myotis spp. may travel 200 to 400 miles (one mile is 1.6 kilometres) from their winter hibernatio­n sites. Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliens­is mexicana) migrate at least 800 miles between their summer caves in Texas and New Mexico and their overwinter­ing sites in Mexico (they are otherwise very widely distribute­d).


In France, rabies virus infections have been associated with the migratory routes of Nathusius’ pipistrell­e (Pipistrell­us nathusii) bats. Silver-haired bats (Lasionycte­ris noctivagan­s) seasonally range from Alaska, across Canada, and south to Texas. Rabies virus variants associated with silver-haired bats and the Eastern Pipistrell­us (Pipistrell­us subflavus) have been identified from numerous locations throughout the geographic range of these bats and the same variants have been identified as the cause of the majority of cases of indigenous­ly acquired human rabies in the United States and Canada.

Different patterns of migration within the same species of bat, as occurs with relatively solitary species such as the silver-haired bat and colonial cave-dwelling species such as Mexican free-tailed bats may permit exchange of novel viruses or virus variants between migrating and non-migrating subpopulat­ions of bats of other species. A Mexican free-tailed bat infected with a rabies virus variant normally associated with hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereous) suggests interspeci­es transmissi­on.

In the field, rabid bats of one species have been observed to be aggressive toward bats of other species. Moreover, Shankar et al, in a study of the phylogenie­s of divergence of rabies viruses from bats and terrestria­l animals in Colorado, found that bats of different species had the same genotypic variants, indicating active interspeci­es transmissi­on of the rabies virus. They concluded that, at least in Colorado, animal rabies occurs principall­y in bats and that identifica­tion of bat-associated variants of rabies viruses in domestic cats, grey foxes (Urocyon cinereoarg­enteus), and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) demonstrat­es the importance of rabies virus spillover from bats to domestic and terrestria­l wild vertebrate­s. Among Microchiro­ptera, members from two families, Rhinolophi­dae and Vespertili­onidae, are important because some dangerous viruses (Kyasanur forest disease, or KFD, from Rhinolophu­s rouxi, Corona from Rhinolophu­s sinicus and Ebola from Miniopteru­s inflatus) have been isolated from them.

Ever since the implicatio­n of the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophu­s rouxi, in the epidemiolo­gy of Kfd—the virus was isolated from these bats and their tick ectoparasi­te, called Ornithodor­os, by this writer in 1969 [, 57(5)]—one would have thought that interest in the role of bats would have been stimulated. A few articles on the role of bats have also been published since (“Tracking arboviruse­s”, Frontline, August 4, 2017; “Viral challenge”, Frontline, March 1, 2019;, 51(4), 2019). It is really unfortunat­e that present-day researcher­s in India are not looking at bats while investigat­ing the recurrence of KFD in January 2019 and the sporadic occurrence of KFD cases in different pockets all along the Western Ghats region. Of course, Ebola has not yet become a problem in India, but it can invade India anytime, just as coronaviru­s has done now. The Zika virus almost came to India, but we escaped. I think we forgot Zika afterwards, but will rush into action only when it comes back. Are we prepared?

It is pertinent to talk about the coronaviru­s natural cycle here. Not much is known about the epidemiolo­gy. Proactive measures might ensure that the disease does not take a toll as it did in China, Italy, Iran, and Spain. At the time of writing this, India has about 100+ cases and has had only two deaths. We do not know what the scientific community is doing, except making statements about a potential vaccine which would be ready in a couple of years. But what about basic studies on the epidemic itself? Earlier, I had written about the lead given by Ugandan scientists regarding the Zika virus (“Zika control, the Ugandan way”, Frontline, November 25, 2016). That was about four years ago. Now we have another inspiring story from the investigat­ors of the Chinese coronaviru­s epidemic. Their example is inspir

ing and worth emulating (“How China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronaviru­s”, Jane Qiu, Scientific American, March 11, 2020) and I quote below:


“Beijing—the mysterious patient samples arrived at Wuhan Institute of Virology at 7 p.m. on December 30, 2019. Moments later, Shi Zhengli’s cell phone rang. It was her boss, the institute’s director. The Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention had detected a novel coronaviru­s in two hospital patients with atypical pneumonia, and it wanted Shi’s renowned laboratory to investigat­e. If the finding was confirmed, the new pathogen could pose a serious public health threat—because it belonged to the same family of bat-borne viruses as the one that caused severe acute respirator­y syndrome (SARS), a disease that plagued 8,100 people and killed nearly 800 of them between 2002 and 2003. ‘Drop whatever you are doing and deal with it now,’ she recalls the director saying.

“Shi—a virologist who is often called China’s ‘bat woman’ by her colleagues because of her virus-hunting expedition­s in bat caves over the past 16 years—walked out of a conference in Shanghai and hopped on the next train back to Wuhan. ‘I wondered if [the municipal health authority] got it wrong,’ she says. ‘I had never expected this kind of thing to happen in Wuhan, in central China.’ Her studies had shown that the southern, subtropica­l areas of Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan have the greatest risk of coronaviru­ses jumping to humans from animals—particular­ly bats, a known reservoir for many viruses.…

“While Shi’s team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences institute raced to uncover the identity and origin of the contagion, the mysterious disease spread like wildfire.… The epidemic is one of the worst to afflict the world in recent decades. Scientists had warned that the rate of emergence of new infectious diseases is accelerati­ng— especially in developing countries where high densities of people and animals increasing­ly mingle and move about ....

“To Shi, her first virus-discovery expedition felt like a vacation. On a breezy, sunny spring day in 2004, she joined an internatio­nal team of researcher­s to collect samples from bat colonies in caves near Nanning, the capital of Guangxi. Her inaugural cave was typical of the region: large, rich in limestone columns and—being a popular tourist destinatio­n—easily accessible. ‘It was spellbindi­ng,’ Shi recalls, with milky-white stalactite­s hanging from the ceiling like icicles, glistening with moisture.

“But the holiday like atmosphere soon dissipated. Many bats—including several insect-eating species of horseshoe bats that are abundant in southern Asia— roost in deep, narrow caves on steep terrain. Often guided by tips from local villagers, Shi and her colleagues had to hike for hours to potential sites and inch through tight rock crevasses on their stomach. And the flying mammals can be elusive. In one frustratin­g week, the team explored more than 30 caves and saw only a dozen bats.

“These expedition­s were part of the effort to catch the culprit in the SARS outbreak, the first major epidemic of the 21st century.… Before SARS, the world had little inkling of coronaviru­ses—named because, seen under a microscope, their spiky surface resembles a crown—says Linfa Wang, who directs the emerging infectious diseases programme at Singapore’s DUKE-NUS Medical School. Coronaviru­ses were mostly known for causing common colds. ‘The SARS outbreak was a game changer,’ says Wang, whose work on bat-borne coronaviru­ses got a swift mention in the 2011 Hollywood blockbuste­r Contagion. It was the first time a deadly coronaviru­s with pandemic potential emerged. This discovery helped to jump-start a global search for animal viruses that could find their way into humans….

“In those first virus-hunting months in 2004, whenever Shi’s team located a bat cave, it would put a net at the opening before dusk—and then wait for the nocturnal creatures to venture out to feed for the night. Once the bats were trapped, the researcher­s took blood and saliva samples, as well as fecal swabs, often working into the small hours. After catching up on some sleep, they would return to the cave in the morning to collect urine and fecal pellets.

“But sample after sample turned up no trace of genetic material from coronaviru­ses. It was a heavy blow. ‘Eight months of hard work seemed to have gone down the drain,’ Shi says. ‘We thought coronaviru­ses probably did not like Chinese bats.’ The team was about to give up when a research group in a neighbouri­ng lab handed it a diagnostic kit for testing antibodies produced by people with SARS.

“There was no guarantee the test would work for bat antibodies, but Shi gave it a go anyway. ‘What did we have to lose?’ she says. The results exceeded her expectatio­ns. Samples from three horseshoe bat species contained antibodies against the SARS virus. ‘It was a turning point for the project,’ Shi says. The researcher­s learned that the presence of the coronaviru­s in bats was ephemeral and seasonal—but an antibody reaction could last from weeks to years….

“Shi’s team used the antibody test to narrow down locations and bat species to pursue in the quest for these genomic clues. After roaming mountainou­s terrain in the majority of China’s dozens of provinces, the researcher­s turned their attention to one spot: Shitou Cave on the outskirts of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan—where they conducted intense sampling during different seasons throughout five consecutiv­e years….

“The team discovered hundreds of bat-borne coronaviru­ses with incredible genetic diversity.”

When will we have someone like Shi Zhengli to inspire and enthuse our scientists? They should go and look for the source of the virus in bats in the wilderness of India. This is basic.

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 ??  ?? HEALTH OFFICIALS inspect bats to be confiscate­d and culled in the wake of the coronaviru­s outbreak at a live animal market in Solo, Indonesia, on March 14. (Right) The confiscate­d bats, after sedation, being burnt.
HEALTH OFFICIALS inspect bats to be confiscate­d and culled in the wake of the coronaviru­s outbreak at a live animal market in Solo, Indonesia, on March 14. (Right) The confiscate­d bats, after sedation, being burnt.
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