
Orchards in the doldrums


The administra­tion says it has the pandemic well in hand, but this hardly squares with the rise in the number of cases and the lack of

noticeable improvemen­ts in health care facilities.

POLITICAL PARTIES AND THE PEOPLE IN Jammu and Kashmir are unhappy with the Governor Girish Chandra Murmu-led administra­tion’s handling of the coronaviru­s pandemic. The common refrain is that the upgradatio­n of health care facilities has been slow and that health-related decision-making is mostly being done by the “regime favourite” bureaucrat­s who have been given a free hand. As the number of cases continues to spiral and notable public figures test positive for the virus, there is a growing demand for better screening of people entering the Union Territory (U.T.) and intensifyi­ng contact tracing. As of May 31, the total number of positive cases stood at 2,446: 1,943 in the Kashmir Valley and 503 in Jammu.

The administra­tion is widely seen as being slack about ensuring that no infected person enters the U.T. A source close to the administra­tion, who spoke to Frontline on condition of anonymity, said the screening of travellers was virtually pointless as they were let off within a day. The source said that there was a view that if a traveller acquired the virus on board or at the airport and was tested in a matter of few hours after contractin­g the virus, the result might not be accurate as “it takes nearly five days for the virus to show”. The source advocated that travellers should be quarantine­d for a mandatory period of five days and then tested. “By testing them on the same day, you are just wasting the kits,” he said. On May 30, 77 travellers tested positive. On May 31, a total of 105 people tested positive for the coronaviru­s, 34 of them travellers.

Restlessne­ss is also growing as the U.T. administra­tion is unable to arrange an additional reserve of ventilator­s or expand the patient intake capacity in hospitals. Imran Dar, the provincial spokespers­on of the National Conference, shared his anguish over what he called the lackadaisi­cal attitude of the administra­tion. “Preparedne­ss

of hospitals is still in its infancy. Jammu and Kashmir is lucky that it so far did not have a flooding of critically ill patients, but that should hardly make the government complacent. How many ventilator­s has the government kept ready? How many ventilator­s did it procure since the lockdown was announced over two months ago? Not even a dozen,” Dar said over the phone from Srinagar. As per independen­t assessment­s, there are only 215 ventilator­s across Jammu and Kashmir for a population of nearly 13 million. As many as 28 patients (25 from Kashmir and three from Jammu) have died from COVID-19 in the U.T. up to May 30.

Anxiety is deepening across the U.T. as top officials continue to get infected. On May 30, a senior Indian Administra­tive Service (IAS) officer who had recently moved between Srinagar and Jammu tested positive for the virus. He had attended a high-level meeting in Jammu that included senior members of the Disaster Management Authority and officials from the Health Department. The IAS officer is currently undergoing treatment at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana Superspeci­ality Hospital in Kakryal in Reasi district. A few days earlier, the son and wife of an adviser to the Governor tested positive for the virus. They had returned from Delhi. While the adviser has been put under quarantine at the hospital in Reasi, the infected family members are being treated in an isolation ward at the same facility.

The coronaviru­s is beginning to jeopardise the administra­tive and security set-up as cases among officials mount. On May 30, in a first, the Kathua Police Station was sealed after an assistant sub-inspector tested positive for COVID-19. Shailendra Mishra, Senior Superinten­dent of Police, Kathua, confirmed the developmen­t with a tweet: “First corona positive case in Kathua Police today. Asymptomat­ic. The Police Station Kathua is out of bounds till all personnel are tested negative. Woman PS

shall take complaints till then.” It has been reported that as many as 50 policemen are lodged inside the police station and their samples are being taken for testing.


There is concern in Kashmir that the administra­tion is unable to come up with a road map for the resumption of economic activity. Frontline earlier reported that the continuing lockdown had taken a heavy toll on the U.T.’S economy, particular­ly its lucrative apple trade, which had already been impacted by the security situation arising in the aftermath of the revocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5 last year. As official and civilian curfews suspended movement and business activity for most of the calendar year, several apple growers and businessme­n stored the harvest in the hope that they would make up for the heavy losses incurred with good returns in the spring of 2020. However, the coronaviru­s crisis means that their crop may rot. As per a rough estimation, there are 80,000 tonnes of apples lying in cold storage in the Kashmir Valley.

The cherry trade has also been hit badly by the lockdown. The local media reported that this year cherry orchardist­s tended over 2,713 hectares of crop, and the yield was expected to surpass the 11,000-tonne mark. The fruit traders have urged the government to allow all cart vendors in the Valley to sell their produce in open shops.

Imran Dar alleged that while trade was at a standstill, no effort was being made to mitigate the plight of the daily wage earners, who have been out of work and are in dire need of cash. “As far as the economic aspect of the lockdown is concerned, it is huge. People have been left to fend for themselves. Workers from the horticultu­re, agricultur­e and tourism sectors and artisans have had little or no work. An overwhelmi­ng number of daily wage earners have been left to God’s mercy. The government has so far not announced any specific economic relief package to bail them out. There is also no vision to support big businesses that have been severely affected since August 5,” Dar said.

Sources in the Peoples Democratic Party agreed with the assessment that the government did not have any concrete plan regarding abating the economic cost of the pandemic or expanding health care services to the villages. “It seems they just do not care. The hinterland is totally cut off. The government has neither set up emergency facilities in the villages nor arranged emergency transport facilities to the cities. In the first place, the infrastruc­ture of the city hospitals is not enough to accommodat­e local patients,” said a former MLA from the party, requesting that he not be named as he is currently under home detention.

The Murmu administra­tion claims it has done a commendabl­e job of upgrading facilities and ensuring adequate, time-bound testing. Recently, during a videoconfe­rence meeting to review COVID-19 mitigation efforts, Chief Secretary B.V.R. Subramanya­m appreciate­d officials of the Health & Medical Education Department besides others for their readiness in dealing with the pandemic. According to the administra­tion, 11,835 tests per million population was being done in Jammu and Kashmir, which is the highest in the country. The administra­tion says that the doubling rate of the virus in the U.T. is 17.2 days and the recovery rate around 44 per cent, which are also above the national average. During the meeting, Subramanya­m said that the fact that 48 per cent of all positive cases in Jammu and Kashmir were due to contacts, one could say that the officials concerned were carrying out aggressive contact tracing and surveillan­ce.

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 situation also took a toll on the annual Kheer Bhawani festival. The Dharmarth Trust cancelled the “mela”, which had been scheduled to be held at Tulmulla village in Ganderbal on May 30, in view of the prevailing situation. Every year hundreds of Kashmiri Pandits arrive in the Valley from different parts of the country to pay obeisance to Ragnya Devi. But this year, only a handful of priests and some local Kashmiri Pandit devotees could make it for the rituals. m

 ??  ?? AT A CHERRY orchard on the outskirts of Srinagar on May 28. The harvesting of cherries generates lots of employment as all the work needs to be done by hand. Kashmir has received a bumper cherry crop this year, but owing to the lockdown, farmers are not able to send it to Mumbai and other main markets across the country.
AT A CHERRY orchard on the outskirts of Srinagar on May 28. The harvesting of cherries generates lots of employment as all the work needs to be done by hand. Kashmir has received a bumper cherry crop this year, but owing to the lockdown, farmers are not able to send it to Mumbai and other main markets across the country.

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