
What ails biomedical research


Research in health sciences in India is no more oriented towards problem-solving based on years of field work, one of the reasons why many old and new diseases continue to haunt us.

INDIA WAS ONCE A PIONEER IN MEDICAL research. Indian and British stalwarts did excellent plague research (The Great Plague Commission of the 1900s) and malaria research during pre-independen­ce days and the decades immediatel­y following Independen­ce. The Indian Research Fund Associatio­n, started in the1900s, was the body in charge of giving grants for medical research. After Independen­ce, this became the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), with Dr C.G. Pandit as its first Director. The first research institute founded in the country was the National Institute of Nutrition in Hyderabad and the second one, started in 1952, was the Virus Research Centre (VRC) in Poona (now Pune). The post of Director of ICMR was upgraded to Director General (D.G.) since several more institutes were started after Independen­ce.

The ICMR has come a long way from the days of Dr C.G. Pandit, who was a great visionary. The tradition of excellence he establishe­d continued for many years under some later D.G.S too. There were stalwarts like Dr C. Gopalan, Prof. V. Ramalingas­wamy and Dr A.S. Paintal (who retired in 1990). Their stewardshi­ps can be said to be the golden era of progress and expansion in research. They were all Fellows of the Royal Society, were eminent scientists of internatio­nal repute and they focussed on quality research. Many Institutes came up for different specialiti­es such as malaria, filariasis, kala azar, and so on and were doing problem-oriented research work. In course of time, everything petered out into routine research, like it was just a job.


One may ask what present-day bio-medical “research” in India is all about. There are many institutes in many discipline­s. There was an interestin­g incident I would like to quote from my experience when I was the Director of the Vector Control Research Centre in Pondicherr­y (now Puducherry). Sometime in 1981, the then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, asked the then Union Health Minister, B. Shankarana­nd, what ICMR was all about. A meeting was then organised at the ICMR to which Indira Gandhi was invited. The Directors of different ICMR institutes made audiovisua­l presentati­ons of the work their institutes were involved in.

Indira Gandhi listened patiently, making notes. She then compliment­ed the scientists for their presentati­ons and thanked the hosts. In the end, she said that she could not understand why there was so much of night blindness in Rajasthan; why so many women suffered from cervical cancer; and why so many people died of malaria and other communicab­le diseases. She wanted to know what the ICMR has done about them.

It was a revelation to many that the fruits of the research done at the ICMR had not benefited the common man. For many years after Independen­ce, and even some years before, philanthro­pic foreign organisati­ons such as the Rockefelle­r Foundation (R.F.) and the Ford Foundation were working in India, the former in the health sector and the latter in the agricultur­al sector. The VRC was started by the Rockefelle­r Foundation in collaborat­ion with the ICMR and became world famous for its work on arthropod-transmitte­d viral diseases.

A mini serologica­l survey done by the VRC for the first time in India in 1949 showed the presence of antibodies to several viral diseases, including Zika, in human sera even at that time. The VRC’S work on Japanese encephalit­is (J.e.),and Kyasanur forest disease (KFD) was outstandin­g in the field of ecology and epidemiolo­gy. The Rockefelle­r Foundation wound up its operations in 1970. The ICMR could not maintain the tempo of work and became a large government organisati­on.

The important question is whether we have achieved any progress in the control of diseases such as malaria, dengue, chikunguny­a, Japanese encephalit­is, KFD and so on. We are still facing episodes (and epidemics) year after year even now. There are also some neglected tropical diseases (NTD) such as scrub typhus which were totally ignored. Many research institutio­ns were started in different parts of India for bizarre reasons, for example some politician wanted an institute in his constituen­cy or some scientist had to be rewarded with a Director’s post.

Institutes were also created to relocate experience­d and qualified scientific personnel displaced because of extraneous reasons, VCRC and Malaria Research Centre (MRC), and sometimes even to accommodat­e scientists whom the government did not know how to deal with (for example the Centre for Research in Medical Entomology, CRME). Then there were regional aspiration­s to be satisfied, so there are regional medical research centres. In some institutio­ns, there is obviously a lot of replicatio­n of work. There was no more problemori­ented research.

The questions Indira Gandhi raised several decades ago seem relevant even now. Many health problems continue to haunt us, some of them new to science such as COVID-19, and we just do not seem to be able to face the situation on a war footing. In my view, the Indian Council of Agricultur­al Research (ICAR) contribute­d substantia­lly to the nation through its green revolution (thanks to Prof. M.S. Swaminatha­n) and white revolution (thanks to Prof. Varghese Kurien). Of course, progress in the field of health is not perceptibl­e and publicatio­n of papers in journals is not a solution.

Even now, people continue to suffer/die of malaria, filariasis, kala zar, KFD, and so on all over India. I have written several articles in the Journal of Communicab­le Diseases and in magazines such as Frontline to highlight the deficienci­es in our approach to biomedical research. But no one in authority seems to have taken any cognisance of these.

In the1930s, Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia prescribed thrust areas in research, damaging science to such an extent that many scientists migrated to other countries. Our present-day situation is similar. The priority areas in biomedical research now get funding only if there are catchy phrases like molecular biology, climate change, and so on. Foreign collaborat­ion has now reached such a ridiculous extent that we have become suppliers of raw material for research (for example human blood samples infected with malaria/filarial parasites) to foreign collaborat­ors for their research work in return for dollar grants and foreign trips. Such foreign collaborat­ion has stifled meaningful indigenous research, and scientific workers, especially those who return to India after higher training abroad, want air-conditione­d laboratori­es and costly imported equipment, and they also want to publish papers which may not have any relevance in solving public health problems.

As far as public health is concerned, the problems are in the field and emphasis should be on working in the field. Unfortunat­ely, it is a fundamenta­l problem in our polity, as in many parts of the world, that science and research are no longer directed towards problem-solving. According to Dr Halfdan T. Mahler, a Director General of the World Health Organisati­on (WHO), biomedical research is oriented towards palliative­s, which continue to attract those who finance research, not towards finding cures. He felt that indigenous planning and working did not suit those who were “market fundamenta­lists and free trade theologian­s”.

The government has been liberal with funds. The institutes have huge buildings, costly equipment and are flush with money. Most of them have done almost nothing to contribute to the immediate health needs of the country; and some are just replicatin­g the work of other institutio­ns. But all of them do publish a number of papers in journals. In 1975, Dr Gopalan, D.G., ICMR, started scientific advisory committees (SAC) for each institute. This was meant to have some kind of a performanc­e audit. The SAC of each institute, chaired by the D.G., had several scientists from outside the ICMR with expertise in the discipline­s in which the institutes were working. There really was intellectu­al discussion, and positive directions were given. This system was continued by his successors, Prof. V. Ramalingas­wamy and Prof. A.S. Paintal, who even improved upon the system by delegating more decision-making powers.

Nowadays, the D.G. does not attend the SACS of any institute. Scientists from outside the ICMR who have retired are appointed as chairmen. While it is certainly not my intention to downplay the role of outsiders as chairmen of the SACS, many of them are square pegs in round holes. The ICMR sends its own representa­tives and they speak mechanical­ly about ICMR policies, Five Year Plans, and so on. If you ask them anything more, they say they have no briefing.

A well-known scientist who is no more used to say that the work in most institutes was routine, repetitive, like flogging a dead horse, with no solution being found to the problem at hand. Most of the publicatio­ns from these institutes are reviews of already published papers. Routinely, recommenda­tions from each institute are made, discussed by an SAC in the ICMR, and then sent to the Health Ministry and ultimately to the government, where they are filed. There is no evaluation of what has been done and whether they are useful to the health needs of the country. Does it indicate progress in biomedical research? Not that there are no problems with particular institutes. They have many constraint­s. More than 90 per cent of an institute’s budget goes towards meeting salaries. Vacancies in senior positions are never filled. And invariably retired scientists are appointed as consultant­s. A Director of an institute faces all kinds of problems, both administra­tive and scientific. If there is an epidemic when lots of people die, like Japanese encephalit­is and now COVID-19, they are just not prepared to meet the crises.


Prof. A.S. Paintal, who retired as D.G., ICMR, in 1990, wanted to introduce a sense of purpose among scientific workers. He was highly critical of assessing the performanc­e of a worker on the basis of the number of publicatio­ns and their citations. “As a general rule,” he said, “it is quite out of place... it undermines the far more useful work in more urgent fields (such as leprosy, of no value to the West). It is, therefore, only fair that such scientists are assessed on the basis of other criteria such as usefulness of their work to Indian S&T [Science and Technology] and social value. In fact, by a judicious mix of these criteria it should be possible to make a fair judgment about whether the best ‘tomato’ is better than the best ‘potato’... even in the same institute. Such approaches ensure that certain people who have devoted a large part of their time to the developmen­t and housekeepi­ng aspects of scientific institutio­ns are not left out in the assessment process.” He even started the Society for Scientific Values. However, his efforts for radical reforms in Indian institutio­ns, as D.G., ICMR, and as president, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), met only with negative response.


Thankfully, for diseases such as malaria, which is still prevalent in large tracts of India, the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) shoulders the blame, though the implementa­tion of the control strategy is with the State government­s. Japanese encephalit­is is one such virus disease which periodical­ly occurs every year in epidemic form following the monsoon season. We just do not have the infrastruc­ture to monitor the vector population density routinely since disease in humans is the result of spillover of the huge mosquito population. They have produced vaccines for Japanese encephalit­is and KFD (another virus disease), but their utility is limited because of deficiency in implementa­tion, and they are multi-dose vaccines.

There are not many entomologi­sts available to work in the field. The available few are more keen to do work in laboratori­es on molecular aspects of entomology and not in the field. This aspect is worrisome for the national programme for diseases control. Even epidemiolo­gists are more wedded to the armchair and would like to solve a problem through computers. This was the major difference when the R.F. was working, where its top scientists, all foreigners, were in the field all the time and shared the hazards with their Indian counterpar­ts in the field. Major advances were made in the understand­ing of diseases such as Japanese encephalit­is and KFD. I was associated with them, living and working in a forest environmen­t for 13 years!

Once the R.F. left, our government should have continued to work on unfinished business, such as the involvemen­t of bats in the natural cycle of KFD. Now, bats are shown to be important in COVID-19. We have lost a lot of time. In KFD, there are three important cycles: the bat-tick-bat cycle; the small mammal-tick-small mammal cycle; and the monkey-tick-man cycle. Whenever an episode of monkey deaths with human disease is reported, as is frequent in pockets throughout the Western Ghats, the institutes rush a team to the spot, do routine studies, but concentrat­e only on the third aspect, that is, the monkey-tick-man cycle. The first two aspects, which are most important, are totally ignored because this involves intensive field work. They just are not interested in the source of the virus and how it spreads from the original reservoir, bats, to small mammals to the tick population. They publish a quickie and are satisfied. It is

a tragedy that no complete investigat­ion of the disease or the virus is done in any area.


Now we have the coronaviru­s, a pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives all over the world. Who has the responsibi­lity ultimately? The involvemen­t of bats in the natural cycle of a virus (KFD) was published by me as early as 1969. There is no evidence that any serious research work has been undertaken on the reservoir status of bats, particular­ly since dangerous viruses like Ebola, KFD, and even COVID-19 have been associated with bats. A headline in The Times of India dated July 23, 2019, was frightenin­g: “India Needs to Prepare for Ebola, Other Viral Diseases”. It quoted an article in the Indian Journal of Medical Research: “Bats are thought to be the natural reservoirs of this virus…. India is home to a great diversity of bat species…” But Ebola has not yet come to India, though there is every possibilit­y of it coming, but interest in bats seems to have waned.

Weifeng Shi, a professor at the Key Laboratory of Etiology and Epidemiolo­gy of Emerging Infectious Diseases in Universiti­es of Shandong Province, said that “2019-ncov originated from one source within a very short period and was detected relatively rapidly”. To learn more about the virus’ origins, the researcher­s compared the SARS-COV-2 genetic sequence with those in a library of viral sequences and found that the most closely related viruses were two coronaviru­ses that originated in bats, the greater horseshoe bat and Rhinolophu­s sinicus. One can understand that the health authoritie­s are fully engaged in combating the pandemic. But from a research angle, nothing serious seems to be on the anvil.


The BBC environmen­t correspond­ent reported on July 29 on the work of Prof. David Robertson, of University of Glasgow, who has said that the coronaviru­s has been circulatin­g among bats for several decades. It is really shocking that there is no evidence of any work being done on the zoonotic aspects of coronaviru­s, particular­ly since a related virus, Ebola, has been acknowledg­ed to be associated with bats. With the spread of the new coronaviru­s in China and the world over, scientists are attempting to find out its origins. However, a recent study shows that bats of the species Rhinolophu­s sinicus may be the most probable hosts. Since bats were shown to be the carrier of SARS in 2003, not only have many severe acute respirator­y syndrome-related coronaviru­ses (SARSR-COV) been isolated from bats, these mammals have been recognised as the natural reservoir for over 100 other viruses including MERS, the Ebola virus, the Marburg virus, the Hendra virus and the Nipah virus, to name a few.

Why and how are the bats able to carry and spread so many viruses? Wudan Yan noted: 1. Bats’ high-density lifestyle sets up a perfect storm of viral transmissi­on; 2. The tremendous diversity in and among bat species, which accounts for roughly 20 per cent of all mammals; 3. Bats fly far and wide, carrying the viruses to more areas than most mammals; and 4. Immunity and body temperatur­e created by high flight. Shi Zhengli had already implicated bats as a possible reservoir of COVID-19. They have isolated the virus from greater horseshoe bat and Rhinolophu­s sinicus (Rajagopala­n, 2020). There does not seem to be any interest or effort by any research organisati­on to do any serious long-term study on the zoonotic aspects of the coronaviru­s.

It is high time that the country’s premier biomedical research organisati­on, the ICMR, starts detailed and long-term studies on the zoonotic aspects of diseases, including COVID-19. This is essential for the successful developmen­t of policies and practices that reduce the probabilit­y of future zoonotic emergence, for targeted surveillan­ce and strategic prevention, and, above all, to engage personnel from outside the medical community also, ecologists, wildlife biologists, veterinari­ans and even management and social scientists, to understand the interface.

In an article dated August 2, The Hindu quotes Nature Microbiolo­gy: “The novel coronaviru­s (Sarscov-2) which has so far infected over 17 million, and killed nearly 7 million across the world, have been circulatin­g unnoticed in bats for decades. Bats have been the primary reservoirs for novel coronaviru­s. Prof. Satyajit Mayor, Director of the Bangalore-based National Centre for Biological Sciences, says: ‘Many species of bats har

bour several viruses which can cross over to new hosts. When we disrupt habitats, we will face more such threats.’” Why are not the specialist­s at the National Institute of Virology taking up the study of bats?

Unfortunat­ely, over the years, science administra­tion in India has become skewed. Even now, we tend to copy internatio­nal organisati­ons like the World Health Organisati­on (WHO). They are abstract bodies—their scientists are appointed according to country-designated quota. They work by consensus, by voting in committees. Compromise­s are made. Like the WHO, we also prepare various reports. Basic raw data are collected at the village and block level (the results are often fudged), and these pass through different levels in the hierarchy at the district, the State, and the national level where it is vetted and finally sent to the WHO, where these are sanctified. It is a pity that such data form the basis, usually, for planning control measures in developing countries.

Many multinatio­nal drug manufactur­ers find it easier to test their products in developing countries through the good offices of the WHO. Nature magazine once reported that the WHO was the sales manager of multinatio­nal companies. Also vaccine trials, testing of new insecticid­es, applicatio­n of new techniques, etc., have a ready organisati­on to sponsor them in developing countries. Imagine an institute meant for vector research undertakin­g a long-term hospital-based trials of an anti-filarial drug produced by a multinatio­nal company, and which was earlier condemned by Parasitolo­gy Today (a British scientific journal) as not only ineffectiv­e, but also dangerous. There are now only sponsored research!

Many insecticid­e companies from abroad get their product tested in India under grants from WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES). Effective and well-tested biopestici­des produced indigenous­ly find it a herculean task to reach the stage for operationa­l use. They face innumerabl­e hurdles at every stage and nobody at the top level even tries to remove the obstacles. The headquarte­rs of the ICMR looks more like a big administra­tive office.


I now refer to a paper, “Status of India in Science and Technology”, that looks at India according to its publicatio­ns output in the Scopus Internatio­nal Database, 19962006, written by B.M. Gupta and S.M. Dhawan, National Institute of Science, Technology and Developmen­tal Studies. The contents are revealing. Taking only the publicatio­ns into account, our annual average publicatio­n growth rate was 7 per cent compared to 21 per cent for China. India’s national publicatio­ns’ share in the Physical Sciences, the Life Sciences and the Engineerin­g Sciences has been global average in each discipline. But in Health Sciences, its share was the lowest, much below global average. A detailed study of the data presented showed that there were 35 high productivi­ty institutio­ns in science and technology in India and, regretfull­y, the ICMR is not one of them. A list of productive Indian scientists showed none from the ICMR.

The authors mentioned 50 papers from India which received higher citations compared with their counterpar­ts under the ICMR. Of these, 28 papers have lead authors from Indian institutio­ns whereas the remaining 22 papers had lead authors from a foreign institute. The Indian institutio­nal participat­ion in these 50 high-cited papers was from 25 organisati­ons (ICMR not mentioned). It makes very sad reading for one who has the interest of ICMR at heart and who had spent a lifetime working with ICMR.

But where are we now? Now the trend is towards project-oriented and paper publishing research and competitio­n at every level and not problem-oriented research. Hard field work has given way to cozy research in air-conditione­d laboratori­es equipped with computers, with readymade, commercial­ly available and easy-to-operate test kits. The emphasis is now on the number of papers one has published, the amount of grants one has generated and the number of Ph.ds one has produced. Everything is time-bound now. No more a sense of adventure or curiosity to find solutions to solving our problems. Have we solved any health problems so far? There is no long-term research anymore. Field work has lost all priority. There are so many restrictio­ns on scientists by a huge number of rules and regulation­s. How can any work on subjects such as Ecology, Epidemiolo­gy, Entomology and Zoonoses be conducted? How can our country ever progress in the area of biomedical research?

There is too much of red tape at every level. Take for example the case of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indianamer­ican scientist, who returned to India, heeding the call given by our Prime Minister to come back to India. He was prevented by the top administra­tors from doing anything worthwhile. This was widely quoted in Nature and in many foreign publicatio­ns. He went back to the United States after- knocking his head against the Indian bureaucrac­y. Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia saw many scientists escape to freedom to do quality research. This is happening in India.

China is now luring scientists, giving them position and importance. China now leads in areas such as Stem Cell research. One such scientist who returned to China and became Dean of Peking University contrasted China’s “soul searching” with the U.S’ “self satisfacti­on”. Should India too not “soul search”? The argument that China is totalitari­an while we muddle through our democracy is not good enough. We need good leadership, dedication, discipline and determinat­ion. Can ICMR emulate premier institutio­ns like the Indian Institute of Science or the Tata Institute of Fundamenta­l Research in quality research?

It is a utopian dream. m Dr P.K. Rajagopala­n is former Director, Vector Control Research Centre, Pondicherr­y, Indian Council of Medical Research.

 ??  ?? THE ICMR building in New Delhi. Has it become just another large government organisati­on impervious to the needs of the people?
THE ICMR building in New Delhi. Has it become just another large government organisati­on impervious to the needs of the people?
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? THE GREATER HORSESHOE BAT. The Ebola virus, closely related to the coronoviru­s, has been associated with these bats. But there is almost no research done on the zoonotic aspects of coronaviru­s.
THE GREATER HORSESHOE BAT. The Ebola virus, closely related to the coronoviru­s, has been associated with these bats. But there is almost no research done on the zoonotic aspects of coronaviru­s.

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