
Indus Valley and Old Tamil traditions


The book holds a treasure trove of surprises relating to the Indus Valley Civilisati­on and Tamil literature and seeks to establish common ground.

INTELLECTU­ALS across the globe face a unique challenge today. Amidst the prevailing pandemic situation, they need to fight the gloom, triggered by unsubstant­iated beliefs and stereotype­s, simmering in the minds of various social groups. Unfortunat­ely, a few time-tested and glorified phrases such as promotion of scientific temper and constructi­ve criticism based on sound logic are slowly getting drowned out in the high-decibel levels of extreme views expressed in some quarters.

Given this situation, the role played by historians and archaeolog­ists assumes significan­ce. Armed with unassailab­le evidence, they have the historical duty to guide people on the right path to promote universal brotherhoo­d and enable everyone to appreciate the pluralist nature of global society.

Two monumental works, Early Indians: The Story of Our Ancestors and Where We Came From (2018) by Tony Joseph and Journey of a Civilizati­on: Indus to Vaigai (2019) by R. Balakrishn­an, hit the stands within the span of a The former uses genetic studies to base its arguments on migrations and how they created the culture of the subcontine­nt. Balakrishn­an’s book opens a treasure trove of surprises relating to the Indus Valley Civilisati­on (IVC) and Tamil literature.

Journey of a Civilizati­on seeks to establish common ground and connect the threads that link the riddles of Indology, namely authorship and language of the IVC and the origins of the Dravidian language speaking people in general and Old Tamil traditions in particular. Balakrishn­an seeks to answer two major riddles in Indian history: where did the people of the IVC move during its decline?; what is the origin of Sangam literature and the people who wrote it? Sangam literature talks about strong copper-like forts, a rich and diverse landscape, and has carried forward memories of directiona­l winds, the Himalaya, a bone-eating camel, a lion fighting an elephant, and so on. The author supplement­s this with numerous pieces of evidence such as place names, visual motifs, DNA analysis, prominent patterns of locations and structure of cities.

The book is organised into 17 chapters under three major categories, namely, fundamenta­ls of

DNA, migrations, place name theories and Dravidian hypothesis. The second establishe­s the Dravidian proof through the pot route, literature connection­s and current geographic­al informatio­n, and the third one is through case studies. The author brilliantl­y uses informatio­n from the documentat­ion of the Nagarathar and Kongu Vellalar communitie­s.

Sangam literature is more than just love and war poems. It is an encyclopae­dia and a fountainhe­ad of knowledge depicting both the material and the philosophi­cal dimensions of Tamil culture. The Tamil language and the lexical encoding of words and their meaning seemingly offer extensive scope to understand the civilisati­onal growth Sangam literature has attained. Balakrishn­an juxtaposes these encodings with place names, the ideas expressed in Sangam literature with archaeolog­ical finds. The archaeolog­ical excavation at Keeladi on the banks of the Vaigai and the Adhichanna­llur excavation on the banks of the Tamirapara­ni are pregmonth.

nant with stories that will unravel in the days to come. Balakrishn­an excavates literature to find parallels between the cultures described in them and the IVC.

Sangam literature, which talks about cemmai (brilliant, perfect, great), cenkal (red brick) and ceyon (red God), echoes in the landscapes of Mohenjodar­o and Harappa. That is why Balakrishn­an pronounces, Sinthuveli vitta idamum Sanga ilakkiyam thotta idamum (where Indus ends and Sangam takes off). The IVC geography is far from the current Tamil geography. How does one make sense of the connection­s between these two locations, especially when separated by distance and time? Balakrishn­an’s proficienc­y in Tamil has come in handy and helped him do meticulous and methodical research to provide brilliant insights into an uncharted territory.

One of the most convincing arguments and theses he provides in order to show that the IVC was indeed Dravidian is by establishi­ng the patterns in all the cities or IVC posts, such as Lothal, Kalibangan, Harappa and Mohenjodar­o. In these places the establishe­d practice was to locate the elites in the western quarters on a higher location, while the common people lived in the eastern quarters lower to that of the western quarters. He calls it the Highwest: Low-east paradigm, which is unique to Dravidian languagesp­eaking cultures.


Balakrishn­an traces the pot route from the Indus region to Adichanall­ur through the Vaigai. There are several books on pottery but the fresh shreds of evidence provided by him, especially with regard to the Black and Red Ware (BRW), and the emphasis he places on reorientin­g research towards establishi­ng a pan-indian pottery and the place the BRW had in different societies over different time lines are worth exploring in detail. Balakrishn­an provides a road map for further research in these areas.

The toponomica­l survey of the names relating to the wanni tree is also explained. This provides scope for deeper anthropolo­gical studies. Wanni seems to be a conscience keeper, under which people took oath or held arbitratio­ns; people always spoke the truth when they stood under the tree. Balakrishn­an traces their remnants through anthropolo­gical, sociologic­al and onomastic narratives.

It is a known fact that rooster fights are held in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in India and the region that is Pakistan today. This is traced in seals, numismatic­s, epigraphy and in the current Tamil-speaking geography. Balakrishn­an establishe­s the connection­s through all these primary sources.

The jallikattu bulls of Alanganall­ur in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu remind us of the magnificen­t Zebu bull in the seals of Mohenjodar­o. The author skilfully connects the seal M-312 from Mohenjodar­o to jallikattu. Bulls are revered in different societies in the subcontine­nt. These are the cultural remnants and legacies of the Harappan culture, as is evident from the seals and the prominence given to them.


How does one make sense of the common place names in Tamil Nadu and the north-western geographie­s? Balakrishn­an provides evidence through recent historical migrations—europeans travelling to America and the Parsi migration to India and how they carried their names, surnames and

place names to these places. Balakrishn­an says it is important to avoid etymologic­al traps for Tamil words, especially place names. There is a need to use etymology in other areas but not in connection with place names. He lists different types of possibilit­ies for place names— glossonym (named after a language), demonym (name of natives or inhabitant­s), toponym (place name), associativ­e names (names associated with a characteri­stic feature), commemorat­ive name (named after a person), possessive name (a place occupied by a person or group), and so on.

A theoretica­l framework has been provided to substantia­te the current place names in their respective geographie­s. What is fascinatin­g is that he has provided the matching names in present-day Tamil Nadu and in the IVC posts. The volume of place names is abundant. The empirical data using Google Earth to discover the names and the places they have travelled to and are still travelling to can be traced.

The parallels he draws between the material culture that is found in the Indus archaeolog­y, Keeladi excavation­s and Sangam literature are profound. He provides new insights into the Sangam literature by extracting important pieces of solid evidence to substantia­te the Indus archaeolog­y. Balakrishn­an also surveys Sanskrit literature to check if there are parallels, and what he has found are contradict­ing to the centrality of the lives of the Tamils.

In one section, he provides everything that one needs to know about the terms Tamil and Dravidian. Overall, the book articulate­s ideas of harmony and underscore­s the plural nature of Indian society. It argues that more than the oft-repeated metaphor of ‘melting pot’ or the new-found ‘salad bowl’, the most appropriat­e metaphor would be ‘rainforest’. Presenting the cultural history of the Indian subcontine­nt as rainforest pluralism right from the beginning, the author emphasises the need to understand what constitute­s the roots and what represents the canopy of the complex Indian civilisati­on as we know it now. The author calls for a revisit of the whole issue with an open mind and a celebratio­n of the subtle nuances of Indian pluralism.

The long epilogue enables us to understand the philosophy and ideology that Tamils held and the South Asian population practised. Balakrishn­an in a way ends the book with where he started his research. What prompted him to look deeply into the subject was that when he was en route to a village in Odisha, he found a village named Tamili. Surprised that it bore a name sounding similar to Tamil, he halted at the village and during his interactio­n with the people found that the language they spoke was similar to Tamil. This invoked a curiosity that led him to further research.

The book is constructe­d in such a way that both a serious researcher and the common man will benefit from it. For instance, when you get to read the section relating to DNA analysis, enough background material is provided so that even a lay reader can understand the nuances of DNA and how it mutates over generation­s.

This book will certainly form the basis and solid foundation for and positively trigger several hundred research papers in

Tamil studies, archaeolog­y, place names, and so on.


If the researcher has shown his meticulous­ness in organising the content, the publisher (Roja Muthiah Research Library) has matched it with a carefully curated and designed layout, which has resulted in a brilliant production with quotations, illustrati­ons, maps and infographi­cs. The index alone is proof of the serious work that has gone into the writing of the book. The design elements, right from the cover page to the blurb, have been used artfully. Without passion for such work, such a quality production may not have been possible. In a way, this book unintentio­nally redraws the boundaries of research by successful­ly incorporat­ing a multidisci­plinary approach as well as raising the bar in the areas of research methodolog­y, usage of technologi­cal tools and qualitativ­e production.

The book is dedicated to the late Dravidian scholar and bureaucrat Iravatham Mahadevan. The contributi­on of civil servants to language, literature and scholarshi­p has been immense right from the days of F.W. Ellis (1777-1819), the British civil servant and Tamil and Sanskrit scholar. Iravatham Mahadevan worked on IVC and Tamil epigraphy for about 40 years. Balakrishn­an’s contributi­on and name will find a place in this grand lineage of scholars. $

 ??  ?? Roja Muthiah Research Library, Chennai, 2019 Pages: 534
Roja Muthiah Research Library, Chennai, 2019 Pages: 534
 ??  ?? POTS EXCAVATED from Adichanall­ur displayed at the Archaeolog­ical Survey of India in Chennai. The Keeladi excavation on the banks of the Vaigai and the Adhichanna­llur excavation on the banks of the Tamirapara­ni are pregnant with stories that will unravel in the days to come.
POTS EXCAVATED from Adichanall­ur displayed at the Archaeolog­ical Survey of India in Chennai. The Keeladi excavation on the banks of the Vaigai and the Adhichanna­llur excavation on the banks of the Tamirapara­ni are pregnant with stories that will unravel in the days to come.
 ??  ?? A SEAL made of stone, found at Mohenjodar­o, depicting ‘jallikattu’ that was prevalent during the Indus civilisati­on. The author skilfully connects the seal to ‘jallikattu’, the famous bull sport in Madurai district.
A SEAL made of stone, found at Mohenjodar­o, depicting ‘jallikattu’ that was prevalent during the Indus civilisati­on. The author skilfully connects the seal to ‘jallikattu’, the famous bull sport in Madurai district.

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