
Tribunals of conflict


A model code of conduct for adjudicato­rs is needed to help create impartial and independen­t tribunals, curb situations of forum shopping

or bench hunting and prevent conflicts of interest and recusals.

TRIBUNALS are an establishe­d part of the Indian judicial system. The raison d’etre for their creation is to provide for speedier adjudicati­on of disputes as well as provision of subject matter expertise in specialist areas. Despite their acceptance as an integral part of the justice system, several matters regarding their functionin­g remain unaddresse­d. In particular, the discourse on independen­ce of Indian tribunals appears to not have an end in sight. There has been constant back and forth between the Central government and the Supreme Court of India on factors impinging on the independen­ce of tribunals. For example, only last year, the Tribunals

Reforms Act, 2021, was challenged in the Supreme Court on the grounds that it contains provisions similar to those previously held to be unconstitu­tional in the case of Madras Bar Associatio­n vs Union of India. Moreover, there are several Supreme Court judgments on factors impinging on independen­ce to augment this jurisprude­nce such as on the appointmen­t of searchcum-selection committees, the design of the tribunal, the number of technical members on a bench vis-a-vis judicial members, and the role of the technical member itself.

The discourse on independen­ce of tribunals is now taking a new direction with regard to a controvers­y playing before the Supreme Court. In a special leave petition listed before him, the Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana has criticised the hearing of a matter against GAIL India Ltd by a technical member of the Appellate Tribunal for Electricit­y (APTEL) who had previously served in key managerial and senior positions at GAIL, on the grounds of impropriet­y and conflict of interest.1 It is also pertinent to note that the majority of cases before the APTEL involve GAIL as a party and, therefore, the issue is a crucial one.

On written submission­s objecting to the appearance of the technical member at APTEL by Sabarmati Gas Ltd (SGL), the technical member

separately issued an opinion examining the objections and refused to recuse himself from the matter and all matters where GAIL was a party on two grounds.2 Firstly, while at GAIL he did not supervise any of the projects that had resulted in disputes before APTEL and the cases that were pending before APTEL were managed by different directorat­es, the two working at arm’s length from each other. Secondly, after retirement technical members do not hold any affiliatio­n with previous organisati­ons and, for this reason, tribunals frequently recruit technical members from sectors that they supervise. For example, in the case of the Central Administra­tive Tribunal (CAT), the Armed Forces Tribunal and the Telecom Disputes and Settlement Appellate Tribunal. Moreover, many technical members are secretary-level personnel recruited from government department­s that may be a member of the search-cum-selection committee that appoints such members. The objection of the appellant to the recruitmen­t of post-retirement personnel on grounds of conflict of interest would make the working of tribunals practicall­y impossible.

In a separate opinion,3 Justice R.K. Gauba, the judicial member at APTEL, emphasised a third ground for dismissing the objection raised by SGL. According to him, the prayer of SGL to defer the matter until a new technical member is appointed or the bench is reconstitu­ted must be dismissed because for purpose of appeals under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, the APTEL possesses a limited workload and the government will not appoint another member for such limited work. The said technical member, being the only qualified member to hear such disputes, could, therefore, not be recused as such recusal would lead to failure to constitute another bench and hence a miscarriag­e of justice. Pursuant to the common order with separate opinions, the special leave petition was filed before the Supreme Court alleging conflict of interest, regulatory capture, and violation of principles of natural justice. While the petition has not been admitted yet, a notice has been issued in the matter.4

A key challenge by the appellant is the position that principles of recusal do not apply to technical members but only to judicially trained members in courts of law. Judicial members are retired members of the higher judiciary; technical members are experts recruited from the industry or a ministry/government department for their specialist knowledge of the sector. No previous case in India has dealt with the subject of recusal by technical adjudicato­rs. Moreover, while certain regulators such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have created a ‘Code on Conflict of Interests for Members of Board’5 that deals with mandatory disclosure­s and conflict of interest scenarios, and specially a provision forbidding deciding of cases by board members where there is a conflict of interest, such codes of ethics do not exist to guide the behaviour of tribunal members in India.

The controvers­y before the Supreme Court, therefore, merits a closer look as having a tribunal member with a conflict of interest could potentiall­y affect the impartiali­ty and independen­ce of the tribunal. The case is important for another reason, namely, to curb situations of forum shopping or bench hunting at tribunals. Unless model rules of conduct specify when and how conflict arises, lawyers may file objections to tribunal members for favourable orders from other members. Such instances could also lead to harassment of tribunal members. This article discusses how disputes such as these and potential cases of forum shopping can be avoided if India creates model rules of conduct for adjudicato­rs.


The term ‘recusal’ has not been legislativ­ely defined. Scholars, however, refer it to mean the act of abstaining from participat­ion in a legal proceeding. The act of abstinence may be exercised where there is a conflict of interest of the presiding court official or an administra­tive officer.6 This line of thought has also been endorsed by Justice Micheal Kirby of the Australian High Court who views the law of recusal to be applicable on both judges as well as other independen­t decision-makers acting under legal authority.7 These definitions are, however, controvers­ial because they assume the law of recusal applies uniformly to both judges and adjudicato­rs, including technical members in a tribunal.

In the Indian context, Supreme Court cases dealing with recusals have been focussed on the subject of judicial recusal vis-a-vis adjudicato­r recusal and thus the emerging jurisprude­nce attempts to insulate the judiciary from challenges of recusal by adopting a strict ‘real danger test’ that permits recusals on limited grounds.8 In case of technical members of tribunals and other adjudicato­rs, adoption of this line of reasoning may be problemati­c because while judges are neutral arbiters and can hear and revise cases previously heard by them in a smaller bench, conflicts of interest arise in case of technical members’ prior associatio­n with a party in dispute. The hearing of cases in larger benches in review by judges, therefore, is not a ground for recusal. Technical members at tribunals, on the other hand, were championin­g cases for clients in their previous roles. Their prior associatio­n with a party in dispute may amount to a conflict of interest.


i) Lack of ethical principles guiding adjudicati­ve conduct vis-a-vis judicial ethics:

The Restatemen­t of Values of Judicial Life,9 as adopted by Full Court Meeting of the Supreme Court of India on May 7, 1997, sets out the code of conduct for members of the higher judiciary, namely, the Supreme Court and the High Courts. The code of conduct is based on virtues of independen­ce, impartiali­ty and integrity. However, there are no equivalent principles for tribunal members. The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, recognisin­g this lacuna,

has issued directions requiring its technical members to follow the code of ethics adopted by the higher judiciary “to maintain the highest standard of credibilit­y” in its daily functionin­g.

However, such makeshift arrangemen­ts may be insufficie­nt. It has been argued that adjudicati­ve ethics are distinct from judicial and public service ethics.11 For example, judges might recuse themselves if they have connection­s to an industry and a connected case appears before them. In the case of R vs Bow Street Metropolit­an Stipendiar­y Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No 2) (Pinochet II), a new panel of judges set aside the first judgment delivered by Lord Hoffmann because of an appearance of bias, holding that Lord Hoffmann should have recused himself. Lord Hoffmann had earlier failed to disclose his relationsh­ip with Amnesty Internatio­nal, one of the intervenor­s in the extraditio­n case of the Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet. However, in case of tribunal members, who are frequently recruited from the industry, there may be some tolerance for industry connection­s as expert knowledge is expected. Moreover, given the short-term nature of their appointmen­ts, technical members may eventually find employment in the industry usually after the lapse of a cool off period.

Judicial members are trained lawyers with training in legal ethics, which exposes them to questions of confidentiality, conflict of interest and recusals. However, training in ethical behaviour is unavailabl­e to technical adjudicato­rs. Civil servant ethics are also distinct from adjudicati­ve ethics as civil servants may owe a duty of loyalty to the parent ministry/government department, adjudicato­rs, on the other hand, do not owe such allegiance to government department­s and are required to be neutral arbiters. For example, the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, which sets out principles of ethical conduct, are applicable only to members of the Indian Administra­tive Service, the Indian Police Service, the Indian Service of Engineers, the Indian Forest Service, and the Indian Medical and Health Service. A code of model behaviour is thus required in order to set the contours of ethical behaviour similarly for adjudicato­rs. ii) Recusal and forum shopping: As mentioned above, the subject of judicial recusal in India is not covered by legislatio­n. This, however, does not mean that the lacuna in law has not been felt. Justice Madan Lokur in Advocates-on-record-associatio­n and Ors vs Union of India12 has emphasised the need for “procedural and substantiv­e rules” on the law of recusal considerin­g the frequency of such cases before courts. He stated: “…since it appears that such applicatio­ns are gaining frequency, it is time that some procedural and substantiv­e rules are framed in this regard. If appropriat­e rules are framed, then, in a given case, it would avoid embarrassm­ent to other judges on the Bench.” Moreover, it is unclear whether principles of recusal apply only to members of the judiciary or to adjudicato­rs as well, and, if they do, the procedure needs to be followed in such instances.

Several countries have outlined their own codes of ethical behaviour for adjudicato­rs. The Law Society of British Columbia in Canada has issued a Code of Profession­al and Ethical Responsibi­lities for Tribunal Adjudicato­rs that sets out responsibi­lities of adjudicato­rs to colleagues, the president of the tribunal and the tribunal itself.13 It defines conflict of interest scenarios and the responsibi­lity to recuse oneself, including in instances resulting from a “former significant profession­al relationsh­ip”. Similarly, the Australian Administra­tive Review Council has issued a Guide to Standards of Conduct for Tribunal Members14 that delineates tribunal values and principles of conduct for tribunal members, including in circumstan­ces involving bias and decisionma­king thereof.

Lack of written conduct principles is the primary reason why principles of recusal are not properly understood by adjudicato­rs and procedure is not clear on standards when such conflict arises. While model rules have no teeth unless backed by disciplina­ry action, they can act as a behavioura­l reference point, aid accountabi­lity and lead to increased clarity, awareness, discussion and interactio­n. Unless model rules on conduct are laid down for administra­tive tribunals, forum shopping in the guise of pleas for recusal will continue.


India does not have a national oversight body for its tribunals. Lack of this authority means that a single code applicable to all tribunals cannot be introduced or enforced uniformly. Instead, it is up to the discretion of individual tribunals to adopt rules of conduct befitting their members. While such a scenario can lead to multiple and diverse codes or no code at all due to already existing regulatory fatigue, it may result in more bespoke codes unique to each sector. However, despite obvious benefits, the lack of an oversight body will result in non-uniform ethical standards with no enforcemen­t technique.

Adjudicati­ve officers within regulatory authoritie­s and tribunals play a crucial role in the administra­tion of justice. It is time to devote as much attention to the workings of these bodies as to courts of law. Glorifying tribunals for their speed of rendering justice and the technical expertise they bring, without mechanisms addressing questions of their impartiali­ty, independen­ce and accountabi­lity would be simply treacherou­s. m Dr Dakshina Chandra is a Fellow at the Regulatory Governance Project, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. She conducts research in the field of regulatory governance. The views expressed are of those of the author.

guidetostd­sofconduct-revise daug20091.pdf

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