Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

To have a fulfilling life, question yourself to find your calling

- Mahavir Jagdev innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

All our lives we ask ourselves so many questions. Why was I born? What course should I take in college? Where will I be in future? Am I doing the right thing by taking this course or joining this company? I am sure that many among us still have many more questions in our minds that have not been answered yet. However, we should not feel sad about the fact that we don’t have answers to several questions. It is the constant search for answers to life’s difficult questions that helps us discover our qualities and makes us wiser.

Most people who feel lost or get stuck in a job they hate doing usually have no direction in their life. The question that can help these people to get a grip on their lives and make it enjoyable is this: “What do I see myself doing for the rest of my life?” Once you know what you want to do for the rest of your life, you will get a clear direction on what you should be aiming for now.

Everyone has a passion that they wish to pursue. Some people are aware of it, some are not. There are many among us who choose to conform to what society demands from us so that we are considered ‘normal’ by the people around us.

But how will we have an individual identity if we don’t become our own person? Live your life by asking yourself: “What am I most passionate about? What makes me happy?”. And then follow your heart. Your passion may just be your destiny.

Studies on childhood developmen­t show that our talents or gifts manifest themselves even at a young age. Teachers can determine whether a child is good in art, music, science, math, literature or sports.

Look back to your childhood days and ask yourself what have you always been really good at. Your gifts were given to you for a reason. It may be time for you to embrace what you are really good at and work on how to use this to fulfil your purpose in this life.

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