Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Trump backs underfire Sessions

US president accuses Democrats of ‘witch hunt’ amid calls for attorney general to quit

- Agence FrancePres­se letters@hindustant­imes.com n

WASHINGTON:US President Donald Trump accused Democrats late on Thursday of conducting a “witch hunt” against attorney general Jeff Sessions over contacts with Russia, as the veteran senator recused himself from any probe into the election campaign.

Sessions’ announceme­nt came as top Democrats called for him to resign after it emerged he had met with Russia’s ambassador during the presidenti­al election campaign, as the White House moved to forestall a snowballin­g controvers­y over its ties to Moscow. Sessions denied any impropriet­y or that he lied about those encounters in his Senate confirmati­on hearing.

The attorney general told his confirmati­on hearing in January that he “did not have communicat­ions with the Russians” and did not know of any by other campaign staff. Sessions on Thursday clarified that his denial referred to contacts made on behalf of the campaign. He said he met Kislyak in his capacity as a senator, and discussed mainly global politics with him.

Trump declared his “total” confidence in Sessions — while adding that he “wasn’t aware” of contacts between ambassador Sergey Kislyak and Sessions, who was a senator actively supporting Trump’s campaign at the time. He defended Sessions again in a statement, calling Sessions an “honest man” and accusing Democrats of carrying out “a total witch hunt!”

Sessions “did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentiona­l.”

Unswayed by Sessions’s account of events, top Democrats are maintainin­g their calls for him to step down immediatel­y, accusing him of perjury.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday decried the uproar as a replay of McCarthyis­m, voicing regret over the lack of any substantiv­e dialogue with Washington.

In the 1950s, senator Joseph McCarthy led a hunt for purported communist infiltrato­rs in the US government, often involving unfounded accusation­s.

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