Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

We’ve heard this before

Confirmati­on that the Mumbai 26/11 attacks were executed by an outfit from Pakistan is cold comfort


India can feel a mild sense of vindicatio­n to hear retired Major General Mahmud Ali Durrani admitting on Indian soil that the Mumbai 26/11 attacks were carried out by a terrorist organisati­on that crossed over from Pakistan. Durrani was National Security Advisor to the Pakistani government at the time and the statement is in line with his public admission then that Ajmal Kasab, the only one of the terrorists captured during the attack, was from Pakistan. Though he followed up his statements in India by insisting neither the Pakistani military or government had any role to play in the attack, Durrani’s statement is not the first such admission by a senior Pakistani official. The most sweeping confession was from General Pervez Musharraf, both former head of the Pakistani military and the country’s president, that Lashkar-e-Tayyeba and a dozen other terrorist groups had been “supported” and “trained” by Pakistan and used to force India’s hand on the future status of Kashmir. .

There has been a shift in Washington’s point of view, especially following the evidence that Pakistan’s attempts to firewall Lashkar and other Indian-oriented terrorist groups from more global groups like Al Qaeda have not wholly succeeded. But waning US support for Pakistan has been replaced by increasing Chinese support – and Beijing’s willingnes­s to pressure Pakistan on terror can best be measured by their blind support for an internatio­nally acknowledg­ed terrorist chief like Masood Azhar on the floor of the United Nations.

New Delhi’s larger strategy has been and should continue to be to differenti­ate between Pakistan’s use of terror as an instrument of statecraft and Pakistan’s territoria­l claim on Kashmir. This dehyphenat­ion is necessary to change a still common view in the rest of the world that the terrorism is only a symptom of a deeper territoria­l malaise and that until the Kashmir dispute settled the terror will continue. This continues to be an uphill battle for India, largely because of its struggle to bring about political stability in its part of Kashmir.

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