Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

A misstep could prove costly

N Korea’s nuclear ambitions are straining US-China ties


Abad boy has got himself a big gun and the neighbours don’t know what to do. That crudely sums up the predicamen­t that the US and, to some degree, China find themselves with North Korea’s first successful testing of an interconti­nental ballistic missile (ICBM).

ourtake Whether the missile could make it all the way to North America is uncertain. But that is almost certainly just a matter of time. There will be a longer lag before Pyongyang can prove it has developed a miniaturis­ed nuclear warhead for use on the missile. Again, this is also a matter of time. What is clear is that North Korea has fast forwarded closer to the day it can credibly say it can strike continenta­l US with a nuclear weapon. This, in turn, raises the question as to the nature of Washington’s response, especially if it concludes it cannot accept the threat of nuclear blackmail by the most renegade government on earth.

US President Donald Trump has not helped matters by blowing hot and cold on North Korea. While his administra­tion seems to accept that North Korea is their thorniest foreign policy issue, its messaging to Pyongyang has been all over the place. One of the reasons for North Korea’s nuclear-cum-missile brinkmansh­ip has been dictator Kim Jong-un’s demand that the US agree to negotiate with him as an equal partner. The US has refused. But Mr Trump initially declared he would be “honoured” to meet the North Korean dictator directly. This was eventually rolled back by his staff but not before encouragin­g Pyongyang to continue down a path of provocatio­n.

China’s unwillingn­ess nor inability to control North Korea will at least allow US-Chinese relations to shift to a more natural and thus more belligeren­t status. Washington however needs to provide much more clarity on what exactly its red lines and responses will be to Pyongyang’s actions. This is doubly important given the incoherenc­e that has marked the Trump administra­tion. More than anywhere else in the world, a diplomatic misstep in the Korean peninsula could result in the first use of nuclear weapons since World War II.

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