Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

In a week of tragedy, four reasons that give me hope in Kashmir

Rajnath Singh, Mehbooba Mufti, Salim Sheikh and the people of the state make one optimistic

- BARKHA DUTT Barkha Dutt is an award winning journalist and author The views expressed are personal

I t is an odd moment to talk about hope and reconcilia­tion in the Kashmir Valley in a month when a shameful terror attack on the Amarnath yatra tailed another moment of horror a few weeks earlier — the lynching of policeman Mohammad Ayub Pandith outside Srinagar’s Jama Masjid mosque by a mob shouting slogans in favour of Jihadist terrorist Zakir Musa.

Yet, despite my initial sense of utter hopelessne­ss when the news of the terror strike came in, watching how the week has unfolded, for the first time in a year, four things give me some hope.

Mehbooba Mufti: There were glimmers of the old Mehbooba (she had retreated into a shell of silence all these months) who lost no time in hot-footing it to the hospital in Anantnag late at night where the injured pilgrims were being treated. She offered compassion, made no political statements and was unequivoca­l in her words. “The head of every Kashmiri hangs in shame,” she said, in an approach that was both firm and empathetic. This was the hands-on Mehbooba of the past, much more a feisty grassroots worker than an ivory-tower administra­tor, who had single-handedly built the party her father launched. Though I have gone from being an early supporter of the BJP-PDP alliance (I believed soft separatism and hyper-nationalis­m would moderate each other) to a critic of its ideologica­l dissonance, Mufti redeemed a lot of her reputation with her clear-headed and deephearte­d response to the terror strike. Over the last few months it seemed as if governor’s rule was inevitable and an imperative. Now Mehbooba Mufti has bought her government breathing time. What she does in this time will be critical.

Rajnath Singh: The home minister is the other leader who rose well above the inchoate noise and toxic finger-pointing that followed the Amarnath attacks. He was mocked and viciously trolled — by his own party base —on social media for invoking ‘Kashmiriya­t’ and the syncretic history of the state. All because he made the point that the spontaneou­s, across-the-board condemnati­on in the Valley proved that Kashmiriya­t was alive and well. Not just did he hold his own; it was left to him to say what should never have needed to be said: “All Kashmiris are not terrorists.” Of course It can be argued that politician­s reference ‘Kashmiriya­t’ only during crises. And one must not look away from a creeping radicalisa­tion in Kashmir and the romanticis­ation of Caliphate-supporting militants like Burhan Wani. But as one of the senior-most ministers in the government whose job was to de-escalate tensions and make sure there was no further fallout on the street, in Jammu or elsewhere, it was incumbent on Singh to use his office to provide a measured and mature response. That he did so in the face of venomous backlash is even more laudable.

Salim Sheikh: The heroic bus driver from Gujarat who drove fifty ‘Yatris’ to safety through a blizzard of gunfire has already won hearts. His quiet courage and modesty was perhaps the most affirmativ­e story to emerge from an otherwise bleak week. But in an age of strident beef politics, depressing headlines about the lynching of mostly Muslim cattle traders and a social media discourse that often descends into blatant communalis­m, Sheikh was a reminder, that when people are left to themselves, basic humanity supersedes any religious divide.

And finally, the hope of renewal came from the people of Jammu and Kashmir. In the last year I’ve been alarmed at the massive turnout for the funerals of slain terrorists, the targeting of Kashmiri policemen and the disruption of encounters between security forces and terrorists by street agitators who throw stones, and sometimes attempt to snatch weapons. I’ve argued with Kashmiri friends that extremists and Pakistan-backed Islamists have delegitimi­sed even genuine political grievances. I have been saddened by how grief has become a contested narrative, with even the loss of innocent lives debated on the basis of ideologica­l affiliatio­ns, instead of elemental sadness. So, it has been uplifting to see the unambiguou­s condemnati­on of the attack on the Amarnath Yatra (and before that the lynching of Ayub Pandith) across the spectrum-mainstream political parties, separatist­s and of course civil society. Every Kashmiri I know is repulsed by what happened and perhaps this could be the small beginnings of a pushback against militancy. That the people of Jammu did their bit to hold the peace also merits appreciati­on.

In a week of tragedy, these glimmers of hope offer an opportunit­y. Let Delhi not waste this chance. It may not come again.

 ?? PTI ?? Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani and his deputy Nitin Patel meet Salim Sheikh in Surat, Jully 11. Sheikh was driving the bus that was attacked by militants during the Amarnath Yatra in Jammu and Kashmir
PTI Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani and his deputy Nitin Patel meet Salim Sheikh in Surat, Jully 11. Sheikh was driving the bus that was attacked by militants during the Amarnath Yatra in Jammu and Kashmir
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