Hindustan Times (Amritsar)


- Sujit De Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal innervoice@hindustant­imes.com n

Studies say that exercise can boost our wellbeing and mood and help a great way to unwind from the stresses of life. The easiest way to do exercise is to make it a part of our daily life like walking or cycling instead of riding a car or bus and doing stretching exercises just for a while whenever we get a short break. I think nature is the best physical instructor.

We can easily learn how to make exercise a part of ourselves just by watching the activities of birds, cats and dogs in our locality.

I see that whenever a sparrow comes to sit on our windowsill, it gets itself busy with preening. Just after having a little food, it again — as a routine — starts exercising in the name of preening!

One day, I had to shoo away a street dog that blocked our stairs but before moving away, it stretched its body to and fro and then walked away with dignity. A dog violently shakes its body to clean dirt and water. While cleaning is shaking exercise for the dog, it is a licking gymnastic for the cat. A cat does many kinds of acrobatic feats to lick its body clean from chest to tail!

So, nature tells us that daily exercise is as important as breathing and should be done as naturally. Apart from following a strict routine for our work out, we need also to take a short break from computer and start doing neck, eye and leg exercise for a while.

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