Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

There’s more to Modi’s diplomacy than just hugs

The warmth of the prime minister’s greetings do not mean anything beyond the warmth of his greetings

- SHISHIR GUPTA shishir.gupta@hindustant­imes.com

On September 29,2016, Prime Minister Na rend ra Mo di ordered surgical strikes against terrorist launch pads in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), challengin­g Islamabad’s nuclear flashpoint theory and denting the image of Prime Minister N aw az Sh ar if, am an he had warmly hugged at Allama Iqbal airport in Lahore the previous Christmas day. The Indian Army wanted to announce the strike at 11 am but the press conference was postponed by an hour as Modi insisted on in forming Pakistan first through diplomatic and military channels. The strike, the hug, and the deference to protocol were all to be expected.

This piece is about hugs, and hand shakes, and reaching out.

The main Opposition party in India, the Congress, recently released another video poking fun at Mo di’ s so-called “hug lo ma cy” ,but the Indian PM’ sun orthodox and“not-so-stiff upper lip” style of greeting key global leaders with a warm hugh as yielded results in situations beyond the control of India’s diplomats or military.

At the height of the unstable stand-off between the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the Indian Army at the Doklam plateau in Bhutan, Mo di reached out to Chinese leader Xi Jinping by the hand on the sidelines of the G-20 summit last July (they were not expected to meet at all). The two shook hands and agreed to defuse the crisis diplomatic­ally. This was after the mandarins on both sides had given up, the media was in war-mode, Bhutan was jittery, and the armies of the two countries had been deployed in forward positions incas ether ed balloon went up. Modi’s outreach de-escalated the stand-off by August 28, 2017, and the PM followed up and the closed the issue by shaking hands with the Premier of the State Council of China LiKeqiang at the East Asia Summit on November 14. The first handshake broke the deadlock; the second ensured there was no blowback.

Modi’s diplomatic style is pragmatic. To my mind, it is as warm at the personal level as it is cold and calculatin­g when it comes to ensuring India’s interests. In his diplomatic worldview, there is no point in sulking or starting. It would be safe to assume that Mo di will hug Sh ar if when he meets him in future and invite him for tea. It would also be safe to assume that he would then place India’s interests on the table.

The warmth of his greetings do not mean anything beyond the warmth of his greetings. For instance, Modi may have greeted US president Donald Trump effusively but he didn’ t follow the latter out of the Paris Climate Accord, and, in fact, was one of the first to reaffirm his country’s commitment to it. And while Mo di and Benjamin‘ Bi bi’ Net anya huh ave ab romance of sorts going on, India’ s recent vote in the UN( on the US decision on Jerusalem) was driven by its own interests. While previous regimes viewed diplomatic ties with West Asian countries and Saudi Arabia through the prism of Pakistan, Mo di became the first Indian leader after Indira Gandhi to reach out to United Arab Emirates in 2015. Last year, Abu D ha bi’ s crown prince Mo ham med bin Zayed Al Nahyan was the chief guest at India’s Republic Day (and did receive the customary hug). And just as India needs West Asian countries, it does A SEAN ones. This year, 10 ASEAN leaders are chief guests at the Republic Day parade.

He managed to forge excellent ties with the Saudi Royalty during his 2016 visit to Riyadh, but also had the courage to tell Saudi Arabia that he was going to visit Tehran the following month. The result is that neither Saudi nor UA Eh ave had any qualms about deporting Indian criminals. Tehran has opened the gateway to Central Asia through Ch ah Ba hr port, a mere 76 nautical miles west of Gwadar port in Pakistan.

With a vision that is not clogged with a Cold War mind set, or India’ s past experience­s, Mo di has openly reached out to US, Japan and even China. The latter, he is confident, will not engage in a military skirmish with New Delhi as it seeks to build its image asa responsibl­e and mature super power. He is now hosting his good friend Bibi in Delhi but is almost certain to hug Palestine President Mahmoud Ab bas during his visit to the country with the traditiona­l Israel-Palestine hyphen tossed into the Dead Sea.


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