Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

It’s time India played hardball in the Maldives

New Delhi should implement sequential pressure and balance inducement­s with punitive measures


Despite the questionab­le election that brought President Ab dull a Ya me en to power in the Maldives in 2013, India has remained loyal to him in both good times and bad. But with the country witnessing another, even deeper, political crisis, New Delhi must now play hardball if it wants to be part of the solution that returns the Maldives to democracy, stability and its sphere of influence.

New Delhi’ s patience has been running out for some time now. In his quest to fend off Western pressure, Yameen has been tilting towards China through a series of high-level visits, a free trade agreement, and tighter security cooperatio­n. Unlike Nepal, Male also opted to support the Belt and Road Initiative without first consulting India.

It is the only one of all nine neighbouri­ng countries that Prime Minister Na rend ra Mo di has not visited yet. The current crisis could well be the last straw for New Delhi. It could put Maldives back on its democratic path by restoring its parliament­ary, judicial and media freedoms, and also ensure a government that will heed to India’ s special strategic and economic interests. To achieve this ideal scenario, India should implement sequential pressure that deploys mediation, sets clear targets contingent on red lines, and balances inducement­s with punitive measures. This must ensure that the Maldivian president commits to a democratic reset, including the immediate release or return of all political detainees, and free elections later this year.

New Delhi can explore a range of tools to make President Ya me en agree and deliver on this roadmap. It can escalate the tone of its statements, including at the United Nations, and coordinate with like-minded countries to reduce Male’s diplomatic space. It can implement targeted sanctions against members of the ruling coalition. New Delhi can also facilitate the emergence of a more organised opposition, or activate assets to support popular protests and disrupt the government’s functionin­g. In an extreme scenario, India could execute a military interventi­on to stabilise the Maldives and ensure internal peace and order, as it did in 1988. Unlike a few years ago, conditions are now ripe to execute this strategy. On the one hand, while Male may hope Beijing will help it with stand Indian pressure, China is bound to ditch President Yameen as the increasing­ly uncertain benefits of supporting him begin to outweigh the rising costs of keeping him in power.

Beyond military power and humanitari­an relief, India’s capacity to serve as a first respond er to crises in the region also requires the strategic will and skill to help solve neighbouri­ng countries’ political conflicts. After it failed to take such an initiative during the Rohingya crisis, the Maldives poses another test for India to act like a leading power. Constantin­o Xavier is fellow, Carnegie India. The views expressed are personal

 ?? AP ?? Maldivian president Yameen Abdul Gayoom with his bodyguards, Male, February 3
AP Maldivian president Yameen Abdul Gayoom with his bodyguards, Male, February 3
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