Hindustan Times (Amritsar)


- JIM O’NEILL Jim O’Neill, a former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and a former UK Treasury Minister, is Chair of Chatham House The views expressed are personal

Despite political turmoil and emerging risks at the global level, the eurozone has had two years of strong economic growth, at least by its own historical­ly disappoint­ing standards — and even with the United Kingdom lurching toward withdrawal from the European Union. But with the emergence of a populist government in Italy this year, it is not safe to assume that the eurozone’s worst days are behind it.

Italy was the first country that I studied when I entered the financial world back in 1982, so I have a special affection for it. I was working for a very large American bank at the time, and I can still remember joining frequent transatlan­tic conference calls to discuss Italy’s debt-to-GDP ratio. The question on everyone’s mind was when the country would default; but it never did. Instead, Italy muddled through, and has continued to do so ever since. Still, now that the Italian government seems poised for a standoff with the EU, it would be no surprise if worries about a default were to re-emerge.

As my experience more than 30 years ago shows, Italy’s economic problems far predate its adoption of the euro. It has long had poor productivi­ty by European standards, and that translated into relatively low trend growth in the pre-euro decades.

Of course, there are some who now yearn for the days when the lira could be weakened to restore growth. That is no longer an option under the single currency. But what the pre-euro romanticis­ts overlook is that euro membership has given Italy low inflation, and thus lower interest rates.

There are also some who believe that the eurozone’s fiscal and monetary framework locks Italy into weak nominal GDP growth, possibly too-low inflation, and high debt. Yet before the new government took office, Italy’s cyclically adjusted fiscal deficit — as opposed to its underlying debt position — was often rather restrained compared to the rest of the eurozone, as well as the other members of the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

Still, the mainstream political parties that governed Italy until this year did not deliver the nominal GDP growth that the country needs. As a result, Italians elected an unconventi­onal coalition whose programme combines the policies of the populist left with those of the populist right. While the League party promises to cut taxes, the Five Star Movement (M5S) is pursuing a form of basic income.

But what Italy needs is a broad structural reform programme to improve productivi­ty. That is the only way to achieve a higher long-term growth rate, given the country’s demographi­cs. In addition to enacting policies to boost the labour-force participat­ion rate among women, Italy must provide more attractive opportunit­ies for its young people.

For its part, the EU should do more to help Italy take the tough steps it needs. The European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the Ger- man government have erred in insisting on rigid enforcemen­t of the EU Stability and Growth Pact, particular­ly the 3%-of-GDP cap on fiscal deficits. Although some countries have been allowed to breach the deficit cap during challengin­g times, Italy is almost never afforded much accommodat­ion, owing to its high debt levels. Yet as the experience of Belgium and Japan shows, high government debt can be reduced only through sustained economic growth.

Under these conditions, the EU authoritie­s would do well not to oppose the current Italian government’s plans too aggressive­ly. If mainstream liberals are worried about the implicatio­ns of a democratic­ally-elected populist government, then they should worry even more about what could come next if economic circumstan­ces worsen. At this stage, Italy needs stronger nominal GDP growth - plain and simple.

Some will say that it was a mistake to have allowed Italy into the eurozone in the first place, and that an optimal currency zone should have been more discrimina­ting in its membership. But the German and French business communitie­s insisted that the monetary union must include some of Italy’s more competitiv­e companies. And once Italy was considered eligible, so, too, were many other countries.


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