Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Scrapping blacklist a welcome closure, redresses pain point of Sikh diaspora

- RAMESH VINAYAK EXECUTIVE EDITOR ■ ramesh.vinayak@hindustant­imes.com

It’s never too late to undo the wrongs of the past for the sake of a better future. That’s precisely the message in the Narendra Modi government’s decision to scrap the entire blacklist of 314 expatriate Sikhs, save two, who had for long been denied the Indian visa due to their alleged links with the Khalistan movement.

The symbolism and significan­ce of Friday’s announceme­nt hasn’t been lost on anyone – as is evident from a wave of laudatory responses it has evoked from the overseas Sikhs, and political parties and even radical fringe in Punjab.

To be fair, the previous dispensati­ons, notably the Manmohan Singh-led Congress government (2004-14), had also periodical­ly pruned the blacklist, albeit in bits and pieces. Yet, the notoriousl­y enigmatic catalogue, tagging a number of Punjab-origin NRI Sikhs as persona non grata, continued in the records of home ministry and Indian missions abroad.

But, it’s the Modi government which has, in a single stroke, done away with what was a painful and lingering legacy of the Sikh tumult of the 1980s.


Coming two months before the 550th anniversar­y of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev and opening of the Kartarpur Sahib corridor to Pakistan, it is a goodwill gesture with immediate resonance and long-term repercussi­ons.

The bold move implies the Indian state turning a new leaf on its outreach to the Sikh diaspora, widely recognised for its rising influence in power politics, particular­ly in Canada and Britain.

Home to a majority of those figuring in the ‘adverse list’, as the blacklist was officially called, both countries also figure high on the Indian security establishm­ent’s radar as the focal centres of a surviving pro-Khalistan rump and its sinister attempts to stoke Sikh separatism and fund the random terror modules in Punjab.


At another level, the Kashmir factor also apparently weighed in the Centre’s swift action on the blacklist that has for long lent grist to the foreign-based Khalistani lobby’s anti-India spiel.

Post-August 5, two strands are discernibl­e in Pakistan’s strategy to up the ante on Kashmir. First, rope in the Khalistani lobby to orchestrat­e the Kashmir tensions on the global stage. That has since been illustrate­d by two major protests in London where Pakistanis and pro-Khalistan Sikhs made a common cause in vandalisin­g the Indian high commission.

It prompted New Delhi to convey its strong concern over violent protests by “Pakistan-incited elements”. More such spectacles are expected in New York later this month as India and Pakistan brace for a showdown in the UN General Assembly.

The second piece is to paint Narendra Modi and ideologica­l godfather RSS as “anti-minorities”, as Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has done so bellicosel­y in his fire-spitting speeches.


In that sense, the Modi government’s pragmatic gesture on the blacklist is aimed as much at blunting Pakistan’s propaganda as earning the goodwill of a globally vibrant and visible Sikh community.

After all, the arcane ‘kaali soochi’ had long come to be seen as an unwarrante­d legacy of Punjab’s violent and forgettabl­e past. The state has long moved on; so have those figuring in the ‘no Indian visa’ list because of their one-time sympathies for the Sikh separatist cause.

Over the years, the blacklist had become a cause célèbre for radical elements who not only magnified the numbers, but also stridently harped on it to whip up a “discrimina­tion against the Sikhs” narrative from foreign shores. “The so-called blacklist has been a major obstacle in the way India has been combating the Sikh separatism in the western countries. Doing away with it augurs well as it denies the Khalistani­s a whipping boy to arouse the Sikh sentiments”, says Ujjal Dos anjh, Vancouver-based former premier of British Columbia and a respectabl­e face of the Sikhs in Canada.

That is why scrapping the blacklist marks a welcome closure on the most-voiced grouse of the Sikh diaspora. As Punjab director general of police Dinkar Gupta puts it perceptive­ly, “This redresses one of the pain points of Punjab-origin people abroad. We welcome them to come to Punjab, reconnect with their roots and see for themselves the ground realities here.”

Such a magnanimou­s gesture, after all, is sign of a mature and confident democracy. India’s spirit of reconcilia­tion demands nothing less.


 ?? ASIA TIMES ?? ■ WARMING UP: Prime Minister Narendra Modi meeting an American Sikh delegation in California in 2015.
ASIA TIMES ■ WARMING UP: Prime Minister Narendra Modi meeting an American Sikh delegation in California in 2015.
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