Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

From allies to enemies


Key events in the fractious relationsh­ip between Iran and the US


■ In 1953, US and UK organise a coup to oust Iran's prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh, fascilitat­ing the return from exile of the pro-West Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

■ Iran becomes one of the most important clients of the US defence industry. The two countries sign a programme of civil nuclear cooperatio­n in 1957


■ In 1979, radical students demanding the extraditio­n of the shah from the US, where he was undergoing medical treatment, take hostage more than 60 US diplomats and staff at the US embassy in Tehran. The final 52 captives are freed after 444 days.

■ US sanctions Iran

■ In 1988, US shoots down an Iran Air Airbus over the Gulf, killing 290 people


■ In 1995, US President Bill Clinton launches a ban on trade and investment with Iran over its seeking nuclear weapons

■ In 2002, President George W Bush labels Iran part of an "axis of evil" of countries


■ In 2013, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and former US president Barack Obama speak by phone, the first direct communicat­ion between leaders of the two nations since 1979

■ Tehran and major world powers ink the nuclear deal in 2015


■ US pulls out of the nuclear pact in May 2018 under President Donald Trump, and reinstates sanctions.

■ In May 2019, Iran begins to disengage from its commitment­s under the deal, such as limiting enriched uranium and heavy water stocks

■ Tensions soar when Iran's Revolution­ary Guard says in June that it shot down a US drone because it was in Iranian airspace

■ In July, Iran says it has enriched uranium to 4.5%, breaching the accord

 ??  ?? Iranians mark 40 years of hostage crisis. REUTERS
Iranians mark 40 years of hostage crisis. REUTERS
 ??  ?? ■ Last king of Iran Shah Reza Pahlavi (L) and US president Jimmy Carter in Washington on Nov 15, 1977. AP
■ Last king of Iran Shah Reza Pahlavi (L) and US president Jimmy Carter in Washington on Nov 15, 1977. AP
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