Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

AAP backstabbi­ng farmers in name of legal help, says Capt

- HT Correspond­ent letterschd@hindustant­imes.com

CHANDIGARH : Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Sunday accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of defrauding the protesting Punjab farmers by making hollow claims of providing legal assistance to fight cases against actress Kangana Ranaut and other BJP leaders such as Union minister Raosaheb Danve.

Reacting to media reports that four of the five petitioner­s in such cases were active AAP workers, the CM said it is high time that party convener Arvind Kejriwal and his cronies stop scoring brownie political points.

“It is pathetic that AAP leaders are stooping to such low levels and using their own party workers to file petitions against BJP leaders and others to bolster their claims of providing legal help to farmers,” said Amarinder in a press release.

He advised Kejriwal and his associates “to stop following Adolf Hitler’s propaganda technique of ‘große lüge’ (big lies) in the futile and wild hope that people will believe them out of sheer disbelief that anyone can distort a truth to such an extent”.

The CM said the manner in which the AAP government in Delhi implemente­d the farm laws at a time when the farmers were preparing to march to the national capital was shameful.

Referring to the claims of certain AAP leaders that Punjab was a member of the committee on agricultur­al reforms that drafted the farm laws, the CM said the way these leaders have started parroting the Akalis’ stand one is forced to draw the conclusion that there is a collusion between the two parties.

Singla accuses AAP of misleading people

Dismissing the claims of Aam Aadmi Party’s Punjab affairs co-incharge Raghav Chadha that chief minister Amarinder Singh was a BJP agent, school education minister Vijay Inder Singla on Sunday accused his party of misleading people without caring for facts.

In a press statement, Singla said, “It is the job of the AAP to calculate loss and profit from its actions but the Punjab CM has never taken calculativ­e steps. The AAP thinks that continuous­ly spreading lies would make people believe them to be facts. Now, Raghav Chadha has mastered the art of in lying by following his party convener Arvind Kejriwal and state president Bhagwant Mann.”

“The CM has already clarified that the Enforcemen­t Directorat­e (ED) is trying to implicate his son and other family members in several cases but he is not going to waver. Capt Amarinder is fearless unlike Arvind Kejriwal who apologised to Bikram Singh Majithia to get rid of a court case,” Singla added.

Before issuing such statements, Chadha should have checked the history of Amarinder who never cared for pros and cons while standing for the interests of Punjab, he said.

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