Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

A life lived in moderation is a balanced one

- Seerat Kaur Gill seeratsand­hu25@yahoo.com ■ The writer is a freelance contributo­r

Certain words in vernacular languages lose their essence when translated into the Queen’s language. They are best expressed raw – in their original form.

My grandmothe­r has been advised to refrain from sweets. However, when she sees a laddoo, there is little she can do to control herself. She’ll quickly pick up one and gulp it down, justifying her act by saying, “Mitha ta hun main hisaab da hi khaani haan.” What she means is that now she eats sweets in just the right amount, right enough not to spoil her health.

We have been admonished by elders to be stricter parents. They’ll tell us to be indulgent in moderate measure. “Eh jwaakaan nu hisaab da hi vigaado,” they say, waving their hand in the air, their words and actions encapsulat­ing years of experience and wisdom. Pamper them just enough not to spoil them rotten is what they believe.

“Kamm vi hisaab da hi kita changa hai,” were the profound words of an elder to a workaholic acquaintan­ce, who is battling lifestyle diseases today. Crudely translated it means that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. “Hisaab da” captures the essence of work-life balance.

“Hisaab da” are two words but they carry a world of significan­ce. They hold the key to one of life’s greatest lessons – do everything in moderate measure, in absolute balance. Happiness, sadness, anger, hurt, ecstasy, trials, tribulatio­ns, and success, when experience­d in moderation, make for a balanced life.

Too much or too less of anything diminishes its value. It is the law of nature to keep everything in balance. Imbalance can’t last long. A person, who has had a relatively easy life is more likely to crumble when encountere­d with trying circumstan­ces. Someone who has battled tough times becomes bitter and cynical. He even begins to eye happiness that comes his way with suspicion. Likewise, too much anger blinds one towards everything else. Too much trust without looking at facts can also be dangerous. But, too much suspicion can be equally corrosive.

Everything is good only in moderation. “Hisaab da” is the mantra to peace and acceptance. Apply this gem to any sphere of life, and see the difference.


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