Hindustan Times (Bathinda)



The context is important. In the first three years of this government’s term, there was a willingnes­s to not only let contradict­ions with China emerge sharply but an appetite to confront it directly. But over the past six months, India and China have decided to lower the temperatur­e. In Delhi, following the informal summit in Wuhan in April, there is actually an attempt to underplay the difference­s and contradict­ions and convince Beijing as well as India’s own strategic community that the focus should be on the cooperativ­e rather than the competitiv­e elements of the relationsh­ip.

It is in this context that Swaraj held her meeting and formulated her threefold doctrine. The focus on closely monitoring Chinese activities suggests that Delhi will remain alert and not let its guard down.

The focus on pursuing its own projects and delivering on commitment­s reflects a realisatio­n that India has natural synergies and advantages that it has not leveraged enough. It has allowed a perception to grow that it is weak in delivery, and this has to be corrected. The focus on educating and advising the neighbours on possible ‘debt traps’ comes from a view that it is only through diplomacy and the art of persuasion and working closely with government­s, civil society and media that an alternativ­e narrative can be constructe­d.

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