Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

Airports may find few buyers

- Tanya Thomas and Rhik Kundu tanya.t@livemint.com

MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: The government’s move to raise capital by privatisin­g half a dozen airports through 50-year concession­s will find few takers when the aviation industry is facing acute financial stress, industry experts said.

Investment bankers Mint spoke to expect that if the government proceeds with the privatisat­ion plan, it might find only twothree serious bidders that are able to raise the required debt and equity in a liquidity-starved market, lowering the chances of fair price discovery.

One banker said it will be difficult for buyers to do adequate due diligence during lockdown, which would particular­ly curtail foreign interest. “As the more profitable public airports are going under the hammer first, the government will get less than fair value on many of them,” he said requesting anonymity.

On day four of her five-day economic stimulus announceme­nts, finmin Sitharaman said the bid process for the six airports will start soon. The six airports are likely to be Amritsar, Varanasi, Bhubaneswa­r, Indore, Raipur and Tiruchirap­alli. Airport sale prospects won’t improve till airlines can get their businesses in order, said a senior industry expert. Indian airlines need a direct cash infusion to pay salaries for lockdown, subvention on airport charges, relaxation on fuel and statutory dues and government-backed credit lines.

“Now we can almost certainly say two or three airlines may not survive the current crisis,” said a senior official with a budget carrier, who requested anonymity. “What is announced is simply rearrangin­g deck chairs on the Titanic, while gaping hole from the iceberg continues to take on water,” the official said, were “business as usual” steps.

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