Hindustan Times (Bathinda)


Modi recognised China’s threat and value of other partnershi­ps


Harmony, security and self-reliance are a seamless whole. Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi drew these together during his Independen­ce Day speech, a reminder that defence and foreign policy have unusual salience these days. The event, already muted by the pandemic, took place when much of the Northern Command has been mobilised, China has refused to restore the border status quo in Ladakh and the internatio­nal system is in increasing disarray. It is no accident that PM spoke so much about the sacrifices of Indian soldiers, the defence measures the country is taking, and how much bigger the country’s internatio­nal footprint has become.

While never specifical­ly mentioned, the centrality of the Chinese threat suffused much of the speech. Terrorism, and, therefore Pakistan, received an obligatory mention. The underminin­g of India’s territoria­l integrity, the soldiers killed in Ladakh, and the historical aside of India’s opposition to imperialis­m and “expansioni­sm” were all messages addressed to Beijing. There has been a feeling that the Middle Kingdom does not understand the significan­ce of what has happened on the Ladakh border and how much it threatens to distort bilateral relations. After this speech, China’s leadership has no reason to claim that it had no sense of the deepening hostility they have engendered in India.

PM Modi made it a point to stress as to how much India’s standing has grown overseas. India was re-elected to the United Nations Security Council with a landslide vote. While the neighbourh­ood remains a concern, New Delhi has become a beneficiar­y of the changing geopolitic­s of West Asia with, for example, the recent bonding of two its regional friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. There was also a reminder of Southeast Asia’s importance. The idea of an “extended neighbourh­ood” that is connected by trust, land and sea sounds too broad to be meaningful. Yet, this is where India is going as it ratchets up new relationsh­ips across the world. PM Modi recognises that the question is how India reconciles all this with its current self-reliance framework. While it has laid out a reasonable indigenisa­tion policy on defence, the task ahead will be an updated trade policy. India’s friends need to be reassured as to where New Delhi thinks economics fits into its extended neighbourh­ood.

 ?? HT ?? Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays tribute to former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee at Sadaiv Atal in New Delhi on Sunday. President Ram Nath Kovind, vice president M Venkaiah Naidu and several Union ministers paid tributes to Vajpayee on his second death anniversar­y.
HT Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays tribute to former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee at Sadaiv Atal in New Delhi on Sunday. President Ram Nath Kovind, vice president M Venkaiah Naidu and several Union ministers paid tributes to Vajpayee on his second death anniversar­y.

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