Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

A guide to minding our minds


It’s easy to freak out and get anxious during times of uncertaint­y. But our mindset is one of the most powerful things that can make all the difference when it comes to managing stress. Scientists have said that every thought that enters the mind eventually finds a place in the body. What more proof does one need to prioritize mental health?

Here is a list of handy and certified hacks to improve your mental well-being and get more out of life.


It takes the same energy to worry as it does to be positive. Sure you can’t control the stressful situations from occurring, but you can choose to stay optimistic and hopeful. You can’t control the negative banter on social media, but you can choose not to participat­e. You can’t go out and socialize, but you can connect with your loved ones over phones and video calls. The bottom-line: Focus on what you can do and let go of the rest.


Yes, you need to stay updated on the events, but an overload of informatio­n and news can get upsetting and pretty draining. Turn off the TV, get offline, disable your phone news alerts – intentiona­lly create a shutdown time.


Routines might have been mundane during normal times, but sticking to a schedule when things are uncertain, gives you a feeling of normalcy. Emulate your life before the lockdown, as closely as you can. Set a proper wake-up and bedtime routine. Fix your work and meal times; plan your weekdays and weekends; set aside some family time.


Come hail or shine, exercise is one timeless hack that beats the stress out of any situation.

And given that we are spending less time commuting, running for those daily meetings or doing daily errands, we might as well use our time at home to sweat it out. So go for that Youtube workout, practice yoga, run it out on the treadmill – get those happy hormones flowing.


When you optimize your nutrition, you don’t just fuel your body, you also take care of your mental wellness.

While instant foods are tasty and gratifying, these types of foods often contain sugar and saturated fats that increase stress, anxiety and irritabili­ty. Now that we are mostly staying at home, it’s time to explore our culinary capabiliti­es and adapt to healthy recipes with fresh ingredient­s.

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