Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

Machines Rise of the

It’s been 50 years since the microproce­ssor entered our lives, ushering in the digital revolution. Take a closer look at the little chip that changed the world, altered India’s place in it, and quietly powers modern life

- Rachel Lopez rachel.lopez@htlive.com

It’s been 50 years since the microproce­ssor entered our lives, ushering in the digital revolution. Take a closer look at the little chip that changed the world, altered India’s place in it, and quietly powers modern life

If you’re reading this article on an electronic device, thank the microproce­ssor. If you’re reading it the oldfashion­ed way, in print, thank the microproce­ssor anyway. We couldn’t have edited, designed, published and printed this newspaper, especially with most of us working from home, without little chips all over the place — from our design team’s special CPUS to those in the printing press itself. Techies think of the microproce­ssor as the brain of a device — the circuitry that tells smartphone­s, microwaves, Alexa, traffic signals, ATMS, MRI machines, Mars rovers and other gadgets what to do.

Us regular folk? We don’t think of the microproce­ssor at all. But think of even the act of calling someone on your mobile phone. “Three microproce­ssors are powering our conversati­on,” says Kamakoti Veezhinath­an, professor of computer science and engineerin­g at the Indian Institute of Technology (Iit)-madras, speaking via Whatsapp from Chennai. “One in your phone, one in mine, one in my car so can speak hands-free. And in between are thousands more connecting us.”

This year marks half a century of those connection­s. Intel released the 4004 in 1971. It was the first commercial­ly available chip with a central processing unit, memory capacity, input and output. It could perform functions, save them and re-present them on request — and it was smaller than a fingernail.

Where previous processors had been designed to do just one thing — run an assembly line, for instance — engineers could programme the 4004s to perform different tasks across devices.

It was revolution­ary for the time. And it became a kind of building block for tech, sparking a digital evolution, bringing the personal computer and new technologi­es into our homes, shaping lives, communitie­s, economies. And fittingly for a 50th birthday, it worries about whether it will survive the next 50 years.

Small beginnings

For such a superhero, the 4004 has a surprising­ly bland origin story. Tech companies around the world had been experiment­ing with all-in-one processing panels through the late 1960s. At Intel, a scientist, Ted Hoff, knew a better design was possible. So when a Japanese firm, Busicom, asked Intel to develop chips for their

line of printing calculator­s, he saw his chance.

Hoff created the 4004 as a mini-computer on a single slice of silicon, one that could be fitted into more than calculator­s. Engineer Frederico Faggin fashioned the hardware into a workable processor. Busicom got a calculator that could print out its answers — and sold some 100,000 pieces. Intel kept improving on their design, inspired other tech firms to create their own versions, and changed the course of history.

In an essay from 1982, Hungarian-american author Dennis Báthory-kitsz — who reported extensivel­y on technology during the first generation of computers in the ’70s — refers to microproce­ssors as “the greatest body of tools since the industrial revolution, perhaps even since the beginning of civilisati­on”. In a talk delivered the same year, he described a processor chip as “the first tool which is at once both wheel and writing”, meaning it could do your bidding, but also understand a new command when it came.

And because it was small, cheap, versatile and efficient, it turned technology from a complicate­d scientific tool into a part of everyday life. Before the 1970s, the idea of adding electronic­s to kids’ toys, car engines, Ganpati pandal lights, hair dryers or security systems would have seemed absurd. “Now, we can’t even think of inventing a gadget without embedding technology,” Veezhinath­an says.

Microproce­ssor manufactur­ing and design changed the map of world economies, boosting South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the US. In India, it was a game-changer in other ways. By 1984, the government’s New Computer Policy had reduced import tariffs on hardware and software. Software became a de-licensed industry, making software-service exporters eligible for bank loans. IT parks were developed to create a home-grown ecosystem of techies.

Entreprene­ur Maulik Jasubhai knew India was interested in the growing global market for software. Back from studying in the US, he launched Intelligen­t Computing Chip, a monthly tech magazine. “Much of the developmen­ts at the time were published in tech journals or business publicatio­ns,” he recalls. “We hit the sweet spot, talking about new advancemen­ts to a general audience.” Issues covered Microsoft’s highpriced software, which forced users to turn to pirated versions of Windows; some issues came with highly coveted free CDS containing new software.

“Intel and other companies showed the world how tech could be democratis­ed and made available to everyone,” Jasubhai says. It spawned a new class of developers and coders in India, and in generation­s that were to follow, a separate ecosystem of call-centre employees who could troublesho­ot tech problems half a planet away. “This was in a country that didn’t have much of a tech history. It changed the fortunes for lakhs of families,” Veezhinath­an says. “The programmer is to the microproce­ssor what the student is to the educationa­l institute. We owe it a great debt.”

The world map

We’ve come a long way since those days of free CDS, bulky devices and technology as a luxury frill. Your basic smartphone has more computing power than the tech that put man on the Moon in 1969. There are now more microproce­ssors on Earth than people. Most power communicat­ions

devices, household and car tech and the Internet of Things (IOT). Barely 1% end up in home computers.

Ted Hoff’s invention also ended up saving his life — at 83, a microproce­ssor-powered pacemaker keeps his heart ticking.

As we hunger for more, the minerals, heavy metals and other components that go into making a chip are getting harder to find. A global microchip shortage in 2020 meant that several car, domestic appliance and video-game manufactur­ing factories had to halt production or raise prices.

At Iit-madras, Veezhinath­an leads the special laboratory that developed India’s first indigenous microproce­ssors. “There is a need for domain-specific architectu­re particular­ly in India,” he says. “It would help to have a separate type of processor to check air quality… something that needs low power so we don’t have to keep changing its batteries, but can still aggregate data and communicat­e with a central system.”

The first of these purpose-built processors, Shakti, was released in 2018. Veezhinath­an hopes it might be adopted in animal husbandry and your cornershop. A new one, Moushik, was launched last year specifical­ly for IOT devices. “It’s a step towards being a self-reliant India,” Veezhinath­an says.

Ajit, developed by Iit-bombay in 2019, is the first processor to be conceptual­ised, designed, developed and manufactur­ed in India. It is geared for larger systems such as robotics, automation, eventually India’s satellites.

The next step

Some new microproce­ssors aren’t even trying to be micro. A California-based start-up, Cerebas Systems, released the world’s largest computer chip in 2019. Where most processors are rarely larger than a postage stamp, this one is as big as an ipad. The manufactur­ers believe it will give Artificial Intelligen­ce systems a big boost.

For those who’ve followed the developmen­t of the chip, an interestin­g milestone now awaits. In the 1960s, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore predicted that as we developed tech, the processing power of a chip would double every two years, while the price would fall by half. That formula has been Intel’s driving force for five decades, setting the benchmark of what technology can be expected to do — and cost. That prediction is reaching its limit.

Chips, now measured in nanometres, can’t get any smaller without interferin­g with their silicon atoms; the manufactur­ing is no longer as cheap; resources are running out; and disposing of outdated tech carries a high environmen­tal cost.

Will the chips of the future be powered by nanomagnet­ics, graphene, carbon nanotubes or gallium oxide? And will we ever have enough? Veezhinath­an says we’re just going to have to figure it out. “We can’t live without microproce­ssors now. So working towards a sustainabl­e process and e-waste management will be key.”

Jasubhai, meanwhile, hopes we look beyond what’s already been invented. “Indian techies are great innovators. We tinker. But we haven’t been great inventors,” he says. “Our ability to imagine has been limited by our computing power. But the inventor ecosystem is being built now. I’m optimistic that we’ll get to quantum computing, a theoretica­l process that does away with the chip, and offers unlimited processing power, in the coming decade.”

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INTEL Intel employees in 1971. This California facility is where the 4004 was initially manufactur­ed.
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