Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

Private schools in Kashmir warned of action for not following uniform academic calendar

- Ashiq Hussain ashiq.hussain@htlive.com

SRINAGAR: The J&K education authoritie­s on Monday warned some prominent private schools in Kashmir of action for not following the uniform academic calendar by issuing date sheets for annual examinatio­ns and conducting fresh kindergart­en admissions instead of March after the change of session by the government.

The directorat­e of school education, Kashmir, issued a public notice saying that some leading private schools were misleading parents by issuing examinatio­n date sheet illegally and in violation of the government guidelines.

“It has come to our notice that some leading private schools in Srinagar City, Budgam and Ganderbal

districts have clandestin­ely issued date sheets for examinatio­ns of various classes and have also opened counters for admission in nursery and kindergart­en classes,” mentioned

the notice issued by Mohd Rouf Rehman, joint director education, central Kashmir.

“This a very serious violation and contravent­ion of rules, regulation­s and guidelines issued from time to time and goes against the uniform academic calendar presently in vogue in Jammu and Kashmir,” it said.

In October, the education authoritie­s had announced that all classes up to 9 in government and private schools in Kashmir will have a uniform academic calendar with final exams and new admissions from Marchapril next year. Officials had already issued such directions in August for classes 10 and 12 board examinatio­ns.

On August 31, the school education department had issued an order for the implementa­tion of the uniform academic calendar on the recommenda­tions of a committee formed in April for both divisions “in sync with higher education department and the rest of the country”. So far, Kashmir and Jammu divisions were having separate academic sessions in tune with the different weather conditions as the exams in the Valley would start in October-november, just before the beginning of harsh and bone-chilling winters after which the students would stay at home for vacations. The exams in Jammu are held in March, just before the hot and humid summers begin there.

The latest public notice urged parents not to fall prey to the fresh exercise by the schools aimed to fleece the “gullible parents and students”.

“All government and private schoos are directed to adhere to the guidelines of the department. No one can be allowed to violate rule of law with impunity...anybody found involved in any such illegal activity will have to face consequenc­es,” the notice said.

 ?? AFP FILE ?? The directorat­e of school education, Kashmir, issued a public notice saying that some leading private schools were issuing exam date sheets illegally.
AFP FILE The directorat­e of school education, Kashmir, issued a public notice saying that some leading private schools were issuing exam date sheets illegally.

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